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Nelson Mandela by Nathalie Robinson

  • Mandela is Born

    Mandela is Born
    Nelson Mandela was born July, 18, 1918, in Mvezo, the capital of the Transki region in South Africa. This event is significant because Mandela would become the leader of the movement to end apartheid in South Africa. His mother was Nosekeni Fanny and his father was Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa. His father could not read or write, but was an excellent orator who was able to entertain his audiences whilst teaching them (Mandela 1).
  • Attends Primary School

    Attends Primary School
    In 1925, at the age of 7, Nelson Mandela began his journey through primary school. He was encouraged to start school by his mother, who was a Christian, and was the first member of his family to do so. He was enrolled in a single-room mission school, where his elementary teacher, Ms. Mdingane, gave him a British name, Nelson. This is significant because this name would one day be known to the world as he led the movement to end apartheid in South Africa (Limb 5).
  • Penicillin Discovered

    Penicillin Discovered
    Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered penicillin in 1928. He was working with staphylococcus, a type of bacteria and failed to put a sample in the incubator before a two-week vacation.The sample contained mold spores that were able to grow outside the incubator. The bacteria's growth was inhibited in areas where the mold's juice was. This is significant because his discovery led to the development of antibiotics which have been used to treat infection and save lives (“Alexander Fleming").
  • Hitler Attacks Poland

    Hitler Attacks Poland
    On September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland, under Hitler's direction, by land and air in an attempt to gain control of Poland. Warsaw, the capital of Poland, was bombed and obliterated. This is significant because it brings about the beginning of World War II. In response to the attack, France and Great Britain declared war on Germany two days later (Beck, Roger B., et al. 821).
  • Co-Founds the ANC Youth League (ANCYL)

    Co-Founds the ANC Youth League (ANCYL)
    Mandela's involvement with the anti-apartheid movement began when he joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1942. Then in 1944, he as well as a few others, co-founded the ANC Youth League, because they thought the ANC's methods were ineffective against apartheid policies. This is significant because in 1949, the Youth Leagues methods of boycotting, strike, etc. and goals were officially adopted by the ANC ("Nelson Mandela").
  • Marries Evelyn Ntoko Mase

    Marries Evelyn Ntoko Mase
    On October 5, 1944, Nelson Mandela married Evelyn Ntoko Mase. This was his first of three marriages, and is significant because Nelson and Evelyn had four children together. Their first son, Madiba Thembekaile, was born in 1946. He was Mandela's first son and heir, though at the time, his inheritance didn't amount to much. His son received the name of Madiba after Mandela's family tribe. (Mandela 12).
  • Opens his own Law Firm

    Opens his own Law Firm
    In 1952, Mandela opened his own law office in Johannesburg, South Africa. This is significant because while there were other black lawyers, this was the first black law firm in South Africa. He invited an old friend, Oliver Tambo, to partner with him in the firm which was then called, "Mandela and Tambo." The apartheid laws were oppressive to blacks. It very common for a black person to be accused of committing a crime, so many black people sought out their firm (Limb 55).
  • Soviets Launch Sputnik

    Soviets Launch Sputnik
    The first successful launch of an artificial space satellite was carried out on Oct. 4, 1957 by the Soviet Union. In response, the United States put greater resources into their own space program. This event is significant, because the competition between the two countries led to many advances in space travel and discovery, such as men landing on the moon, space station development and spacecrafts landing on Mars (Beck, Roger B., et al. 861).
  • First Televised Olympic Games

    First Televised Olympic Games
    The 1960 Olympic Games in Rome were the first to ever be televised. Live broadcasts of these Olympics were available in Europe while tapes were flown to New York City each day to be broadcast in America. This is significant because even though this was the fourteenth modern-day Olympics, they had never been previously televised. People were finally able to watch the Olympics from the comfort of their homes as they happened, for the first time (“Rome 1960”).
  • Sentenced to Prison for Sabotage

    Sentenced to Prison for Sabotage
    Nelson Mandela had been arrested for treason in 1961, but then acquitted. In 1962 he was arrested for illegally leaving the country without papers. He was sentenced to five years in prison. He was then put on trial for sabotage in 1964 which led to a 27-year incarceration. This is significant because even though he was in jail, he remained the symbolic leader of the movement to end apartheid in South Africa. This shows that he was such a great influence and leader ("Nelson Mandela Released").
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was a structure that surrounded West Berlin, It was erected to prevent people from Eastern Germany from accessing West Berlin as many people had been fleeing communism in East Germany. It was built in 1961 and became a symbol of the Cold War. On November 9, 1989 the wall fell. This event is significant, because it is a result of communist leadership finally being forced from power in East Germany (“Berlin Wall”).
  • Released from Prison After 27 Years

    Released from Prison After 27 Years
    On February 11, 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from prison after serving 27 years. He had been charged with sabotaged and sentenced to life in prison in June of 1964. Mandela was the leader of the movement to end apartheid in South Africa. His release is significant, because he would go on to become the first president of a democratic South Africa and bring about a new constitution ("Nelson Mandela Released").
  • Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

    Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
    Nelson Mandela was jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with South African president, Frederik de Klerk. The award was given on December 10, 1993 and it was important because it acknowledged the work that de Klerk and Mandela did to help dismantle apartheid policy in South Africa. Their negotiations also led to the nation's first multicultural elections which were held in April of 1994 ("Nelson Mandela").
  • First President of Democratic South Africa

    First President of Democratic South Africa
    On May 5, 1994, Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as the first black president of South Africa. This is significant because during his presidency, his main goal was to transition the power of South Africa from the white minority to the black majority. He tried to unify both white and black people by encouraging them to attend rugby games and other such events to support the country. He was able to bring about a new constitution in 1996. He served as president until 1999 ("Nelson Mandela").
  • September 11 Attacks

    September 11 Attacks
    On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked by al-Qaeda, an extremist Islamic group. This is significant because nearly 3,000 people will killed by suicide hijackers when they flew four planes into targets. The targets included the U.S. Pentagon in Washington, D.C. and the World Trade Center in New York City. Osama bin Laden was the leader behind the September 11th attacks. On May 2, 2011, U.S. forces finally tracked him down and killed him in Pakistan (Editors,
  • His Death

    His Death
    Nelson Mandela passed away at his home in Johannesburg, South Africa on December 5, 2013 at the age of 95. This event is significant because Mandela had been the leader of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. Mandela dedicated his life to fighting for the rights of humanity and eventually served as president of South Africa. He was and will continue to be an inspiration to others, especially civil rights activists ("Nelson Mandela").