Nelson mandela 9397017 1 402

Nelson Mandela

By 31282
  • ANC

    Joins the Anc (African National Congress)
  • youth league

    youth league
    Forms the youth league of the ANC with Oliver Tambo, Walter Suslu ,and your one and only Nelson Mandela
  • The goverment

    The goverment
    Soth Arifcan goverment limits the freedom of black africans even more when the aparthied policy of racial segration is introduced acroos the country
  • First Black Legal firm

    Opens the first black legal firm in south arfica with fellow lawyer Oliver Tambo providing free or low cost legal counsel to many blacks who would otherwise have been without legal representation
  • Defiance Campaign

    Defiance Campaign
    Mandela was promiented in the ANC's definance campagin
  • The Big one

    Goverment soures state that declared that since 1983 black dissidents have murderd 120, mutilated 25, raped 47and comminted 284 robberies
  • nobel peace prize

    nobel peace prize
    Nelson Mandela was awared the nobel peace prize