nelson mandela

  • Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

    Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
    Nelson Mandela was born on July 18th in 1918
  • College

    In 1940 Mandela was expelled from Fort Hare University college for leading a student strike
  • University of South Africa

    University of South Africa
    Mandela recieved a degree in law from the University of South Africa
  • ANC

    In 1944 Mandela joined the African National Congress (ANC)
  • Youth league

    Youth league
    He became President of the ANC's Youth League
  • Jail

    Mandela's leadership in the ANC protest activities led to a nine month jail sentence.
  • Jail again

    Jail again
    Mandela was arrested again for promoting resistance to South Africa's "pass laws" that prevented blacks from moving freely in the country
  • Outlaws

    By 1961 the South African government had outlawed the ANC
  • Arrested..... again

    Arrested..... again
    Mandela was again arrested, this time fro leaving South Africa illegally and for inciting strikes
  • Life Sentence

    Life Sentence
    Mandela was given a life sentence in jail
  • Freedom

    February 11, 1990, Mandela walked out of prison.
  • Compromise

    Mandela and de klerk (president) held a multiparty Convention for a Democratic South Africa to establish a new, democratic government that gave people of all colors rights to determine the country's future
  • Election Day!

    Election Day!
    Nelson Mandela was elected president
  • Cancer

    In 2001 he was treated for prostate cancer
  • Outcry

    In late 2001, Mandela joined the outcry against terrorism when he expressed his support for the American bombing of Afghanistan after terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001.
  • World Leaders

    World Leaders
    On July 18, 2007 Mandela convened a group of world leaders to address the worlds toughest issues