Nation of Islam

  • Elijah Muhammad

    Elijah Muhammad

    Elijah Muhammad Biography

    Leader of the Nation of Islam from 1934-75. Succeeded Wallace Fard, the founder of NOI, after his disappearance to lead the Nation of Islam. Preached about the problems and needs of black people along with teachings such as self-reliance, clean living and the promise of a future in which blacks would no longer be oppressed.
  • Nation of Islam is founded

    Nation of Islam is founded
    -July 4, 1930 by Wallace D. Fard Muhammad
    -Goal was to improve conditions (mental, social, economic) for African Americans
  • Main Beliefs

    Main Beliefs
    Black Nationalism and black pride.
    Believe in one God Allah
    Follow the Qur'an
  • Malcolm X begins preaching

    Malcolm X begins preaching
    Malcolm X Malcolm X converts to Islam in jail. Gets out and begins preaching for the Nation of Islam and primarily promotes black pride and their heritage. Is soon made leading spokesperson for Black Muslims by Elijah Muhammad.
  • Malcolm X leaves Nation of Islam

    Malcolm X leaves Nation of Islam

    Malcolm X bio
    Malcolm X loses faith in the NOI after conflict with Elijah Muhammad. Leaves NOI and travels to Mecca.
  • Farrakhan helps lead Million Man March

    Farrakhan helps lead Million Man March
    The Million Man March
    On October 16th, 1995, more than a million African American males were encouraged to march on Washington D.C. by Minister Louie Farrakhan who was one of the higher up members of the Nation of Islam. The march was meant to unify African Americans across the country.
  • Accomplishments

    Source of motivation for black people
    Gave jobs to blacks in the community through Mosques
  • Continued Problems

    Continued Problems
    -Still face racism
    -Fight for social and economic equality