Narrabeen Man

  • 50,000 BCE

    Earliest evidence of Aboriginal people

    Earliest evidence of Aboriginal people
    Archaeologists found evidence of people on Barrow Island in the country’s northwest, discovering charcoal, animal remains and artefacts that confirmed Aboriginal people were there. It was called the Boodie cave on Barrow Island. But researchers found the cave had been used as a hunting shelter from as early as 50,000 years ago, before becoming a residential base for groups of families from 10,000 years ago.
  • 40,000 BCE

    Mungo lady and Mungo man

    Mungo lady and Mungo man
    The Mungo Man was an early human from Australia, who is believed to have lived about 40,000 years ago
  • 11,650 BCE

    Asia Minor

    Asia Minor
    Asia Minor is also known as Anatolia, an important fact is
    that murals of aurochs, a deer, and humans in Çatalhöyük, which is the largest and best-preserved Neolithic site found to date. The end of Paleolithic was 11,650 BCE
  • 9000 BCE

    South America history

    South America history
    An important event in South American history was it's first inhabitance. There are some anthropological signs that point back to humans inhabiting South America since at least the year 9000 BCE. Throughout South America's early history of human inhabitants, it was widely an agrarian society, meaning that its residents survived off of the land, using staples such as fish and beans for food. Animals like llamas and alpacas were also domesticated around this time.
  • 3500 BCE


    Maghreb is in Africa, and an important event is that around 3,500 BC changes in the tilt of the Earth's orbit may have created a rapid desertification of the Sahara and formed a natural barrier that severely limited contact between the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa.[23] The Maghreb or western North Africa is believed to have been inhabited by Berbers since from at least 10,000 BC.
  • 3300 BCE

    Otzi the Iceman

    Otzi the Iceman
    Ötzi is a glacier mummy from the Copper Age, who has been preserved down to the present day. Little by little, he has imparted genuine stores of knowledge. He was discovered accidentally by hikers in 1991, together with his clothing and equipment, on the Schnalstal/Val Senales Valley glacier and has been the subject of intensive research ever since.
  • 3000 BCE

    Mesopotamian Cuneiform

    Mesopotamian Cuneiform
    Cuneiform is a system of writing first developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia c. 3500-3000 BCE. It is considered the most significant among the many cultural contributions of the Sumerians and the greatest among those of the Sumerian city of Uruk which advanced the writing of cuneiform c. 3200 BCE.
  • 2500 BCE

    Great Pyramid in Egypt

    Great Pyramid in Egypt
    The ancient Pyramids in Egypt were built to bury the tombs of Queens and Pharaohs. The pharaohs were buried in pyramids of many different shapes and sizes from before the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom. There are about eighty pyramids known today from ancient Egypt. The 3 largest and best-preserved of these were built at Giza at the beginning of the Old Kingdom. The most well-known of these pyramids was built for the pharaoh Khufu. It's known as the Great Pyramid
  • 2000 BCE

    Narrabeen Man Death

    Narrabeen Man Death
    He was discovered in 2005 under a bus stop. He was believed to be 30-40 and very tall. He was killed because the evidence suggests that the group he was in killed him and speared him as a punishment for something he had done.
  • 1100


    The earliest indications of mining in Fennoscandia. Sweden and Norway also record the first underground mining in the region, at about 11th and 12th centuries. Mining grew extensively in the 16th and 17th centuries in Sweden and Norway, both in the number of operations and in metals mined. In addition to iron, copper and silver, later also nickel, zinc and cobalt become significant products. Underground mining probably started in the 17th century in Finland and in the 18th century in NW Russia.
  • 1346

    Europe History

    Europe History
    Black Death arrives in western Europe.
  • 1500


    Levant is in the Eastern Mediterranean. An important event that occurred in Levant is in the mid-fifteenth century, the Ottomans became increasingly dominant. They captured Syria (1516) and Egypt (1517), took Rhodes from the Hospitallers (1522), and conquered Cyprus (1571). While Ottoman control of the Levant weakened after, in 1669 the Ottomans took Crete from the Venetians. Later, Russia became increasingly active in the region. In 1770 the Russian navy wiped out the Ottoman fleet at Cesme.
  • Antartica History

    Antartica History
    James Cook becomes the first person to navigate across the Antarctic Circle and proceed to circumnavigate the continent of Antarctica. Although he doesn’t gain a visual on land, he does see deposits of rock in icebergs, which proved to Captain Cook that a southern continent exists.
  • Gold rush

    Gold rush
    The gold rush inspired people to move to Australia because it was a chance for people to make money for their families. You had to mine for days, sometime weeks or months to find gold, there were lots of problems like licences, religion, territory, shelter, food etc.
  • Fleeing their country

    Fleeing their country
    Another reason people might have come to Australia is because of war, death and safety. They might have a war occurring in their home, so they can come to Australia to be safe and have a home. They might also have broken a law, or have a strong religion that their country disagrees with, so they could come to Australia to get away from that.
  • Caucasus

    The Caucasus is a region located at the border of Europe and Asia, situated between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea and occupied by Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.Caucasus w has been an arena for political, military, religious, and cultural rivalries and expansionism for centuries. Throughout its history, the Caucasus was usually incorporated into the Iranian world. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Russian Empire conquered the territory from Qajar Iran.
  • Work in Australia

    Work in Australia
    People were inspired to come to Australia because there was lots of work available with better payments than they got back home. It was helpful to come here because they could provide for their families and the jobs weren't as bad as some in other countries.
  • Australia History

    Australia History
    All of the colonies came together, this was important because without it, Australia would still have colonies and be separated, it is why Australia is what it is today.
  • Women able to vote

    Women able to vote
    this was revolutionary in shaping Australia to what it is today, it was the first step to equality, something very important.
  • Balakan

    An important event in the Balakans is the war in 1912-1913. They were fighting with Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Montenegro. The Balkan League was formed under Russian auspices in the spring of 1912 to take Macedonia away from Turkey, which was already involved in a war with Italy. The league was able to field a combined force of 750,000 men. Montenegro opened hostilities by declaring war on Turkey on Oct. 8, 1912, and the other members of the league followed suit 10 days later.
  • End of the ww2

    End of the ww2
    Ten Pound Poms is a term used in Australia to describe British citizens who migrated to Australia after the Second World War. The Government of Australia initiated the Assisted Passage Migration Scheme in 1945. Ten Pound poms were called that because they only had to pay £10 to migrate to Australia and the government paid the rest. The British did this because they were looking for new opportunities and it was very cheap to come to Australia.
  • Asia history

    Asia history
    An important event in the history of Asia is the Korean War which was a four year war on the Asian mainland in recorded history. At first, a war between United Nations, North Korean and Chinese troops, eventually turned it into a war. United Nations lost 1,116,000 troops, North Korean and Chinese forces lost 1 million lives, 60 percent due to combat and the rest due to disease. North Korea civilian deaths are estimated at 1.5 million. it occurred 25 Jun. 1950 – 27 Jul. 1953
  • Aboriginal right to vote

    Aboriginal right to vote
    This is so important because those people were the first ones in our country, and it is so important they get the respect they deserve.
  • Kashmir and Jammu

    Kashmir and Jammu
    India and China go to war on account of a border dispute in the Ladakh region; at the end of war, China occupies 37,555 sq. kms from Indian held Kashmir at Aksai-chin and Demochok in Ladakh. In December, 5180 sq. kms are conditionally taken over by China at Shaksgam in Northern Areas of Kashmir under Pakistan control.
  • Africa History

    Africa History
    Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment with seven others. While he was in prison his mother and his eldest son died. He was not allowed to attend their funerals. This was important because he was a revolutionary leader and changed Africa.
  • Cascadia

    The Republic of Cascadia would bring together Washington State, Oregon and British Columbia. Proponents of the new country (which has little chance of ever becoming a reality) say the approximately 14 million residents of "Cascadia" should demand their freedom from the oppressive governments of Canada and the U.S. It's home to giant corporations like Amazon, Starbucks and Nike, and host to the Hollywood North, the country would likely prosper. It would socially prosper.
  • Transnistria

    The Transnistria War was a conflict that broke out in November 1990 between pro-Transnistria forces, including the Transnistrian Republican Guard, militia and Cossack units, and pro-Moldovan forces, including Moldovan troops and police. Fighting intensified on 1 March 1992 and, the conflict remained unresolved, but in 2011 talks were held under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe with Lithuania holding the rotating chairmanship.
  • The Birth of Milla

    The Birth of Milla
    It was important because it was the start of something amazing. A funny story is my mum thought i was going to be a boy, so she was very prepared and bought all baby blue clothes and boy toys, and later she realised I was a girl, so everyone thought I was a boy!
  • Sisters 3rd Birthday

    Sisters 3rd Birthday
    It was important because at 2 am we found her eating her birthday cake with her hands and it was all over her face and we laughed and laughed while my Mum made a new one.
  • Sisters Birth

    Sisters Birth
    Her name is Maya and she is in year 5. This was important because she was my first sister and she is so important to me.
  • North America history

    North America history
    An important event in North American history, is on November 4, 2008, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois was elected president of the United States over Senator John McCain of Arizona. Obama became the 44th president, and the first African American to be elected to that office. He was subsequently elected to a second term over former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.
  • First dog

    First dog
    Her name is Poppy and she is a beagle. It was important because she is my best-friend and I grew up with her my whole life. She was tiny and grew into a big, strong and loving dog. She has a hip problem and cannot run properly.
  • Same sex marriage

    Same sex marriage
    This was important because love is love, no matter how you see it, this has changed lives all over Australia, and is so important to this day, and we are very lucky to live in a free country