Toys(letters, numbers, shapes)
*Toys help kids to learn
*These toys helped me in gaining knowledge slowly about alphabets, numbers and shapes. Also, these were good media or instrument for me to help me understand things in my surrounding -
Toys, Story books, Television, Telephone
*These medias can help give primary knowledge and communicate to other people.
*I was on a process of discovering new media to communicate and get basic knowledge. These form of medias helped me from learning things. -
Story books, Text Books, Television, Mobile Phone, Telephone, Computer
*These medias can help to improve kid's basic knowledge through visual learning, auditory learning and games.
*I got most of my knowledge in reading books, watching television, talking to people and playing games and it is really useful until now. -
Story Books, Text Books, Television, Mobile Phone, Radio, Magazine, Telephone, Computer
*These different forms of media can give proper knowledge, information, and entertainment to people.
*i used this forms of media as my instrument to gain the knowledge that I should have. These medias made me more advance than others because I know what's happening in my surrounding. -
Story Books, Text Books, Television, Mobile Phone, Radio, Magazine, News Paper, Tablet, Computer
*Information can be gained through these different medias. It can also give assessments on whether one's knowledge is enough or not.
*At a young age, I used computers and such for research purposes or if a certain topic is new to me. Also, the books, newspapers, tablet, radio, magazine serves as my supporter in gaining information not just for academic purposes but also real life lessons. -
Text Books, Televisions, Mobile Phone, Radio, Magazine, Newspaper, Poster, Bulletin Boards, Computer
*New forms of media can widen one's knowledge and perspective.
*Having these things as an information provider helped me in developing my understanding skills and these gave me an opportunity to know how the world works. -
Text Books, Television, Mobile Phone, News Paper, Poster, Bulletin Boards, Computer, Laptop, Flyers
*From time to time, the media world is evolving. Information can be gained anywhere by using different media platforms. It can be a form of a bulletin board, poster and etc. and this can help many people in having the proper information and data that they should get.
*As time passed by, there are different forms of medias to ponder on and these medias helped me to be a resourceful researcher to add up the knowledge that I have. -
Text Books, Television, Mobile Phone, News Paper, Poster, Bulletin Boards, Computer, Laptop, Flyers
- These kinds of media can help many people especially the students. Students need to gather information and new knowledge for academic purposes. *As a student, researches are everywhere and these medias helped me in accomplishing such activities. I can gather data easily with the help of internet and the gadgets. As for reliable resources, I used print media to help in my work loads.
Text Books, Television, Mobile Phone, Bulletin Boards, Poster, Computer, Laptop, Flyers
*These media can help the learning progress of a person. These can help by giving enough information, fulfill the lapses of their knowledge and communicate with other.
*Learning through others through communicating and sharing helped me a lot in changing my perspective of many things. It made me realize that there are many sources of information not just only in limited media. Another thing is that the new medias have the capacity to connect everyone and everything which made my learning easier.