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My timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born in the Lanús Clinic, third in a family of three children: Mariana and Daniela, ten and six years respectively.
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    Life in Lanus

    My family lived in lanus since my parents got married, first in a house they rented my grandparents, but after I was born my family moved to another house in lanus and stayed there for almost a year and then to a department, where we stayed until we finally moved to Ezeiza
  • Our family moves to Ezeiza

    After two years in Lanus, my family moves to a house we bought in Ezeiza. We came to this town because of a friend of my father from the aeromodelling club, wich is nearby and we used to come since my sister Daniela was a newborn.
  • kindergarten

    I started kindergarten in a school called "hormiguita viajera" or travelling ant at age 4.
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    Primary school

    I studied in the same school than I did at kindergarten, but it was called Jesus Niño. In all those years I got to know a lot of people I still talk to at present time.
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    Secondary School

    I studied at the same school, but it was called "Manuel Belgrano". There were one of the best three years of my life, I had the chance to meet a lot of people, students and teachers, that in some way changed my life, and others that I won't miss at all.
  • A change in my relationship status

    A change in my relationship status
    I had been going out with a boy named Renzo for almost three months and this day he asked me to be his girlfriend. From that had been almost three years and we're still together :)
  • My niece was born

    My niece was born
    My older sister, Mariana had her first child in a clinic in Monte Grande. She is the first baby in the family since I was a baby so we were all really excited and happy. She changed my life and I'm the most unbearable aunt in the world because I'm almost every day next to her.
  • Bariloche

    Me and 7 friends of mine travelled to Bariloche as a graduation trip. I had the best time with my friends in that beautiful city, I saw snow for the first in the mountains and it was one of the best experiences I had had in my life
  • I finnaly got my diploma

    I finnaly got my diploma
    Officially finished my studies at secondary school
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    My first study in English language

    this was the only time I studied English apart from what I studied when I was at school. My teacher helped me a lot by encouraging me to enter in the teacher training college, because I was't confident enough to do it.
  • First day at the teaching training college

    this day I started to discover the carreer that was starting. I met the teachers that would be in every assignment for the first year