Create Vision
A meeting of all stakeholders will be held to develop the vision of Hemet USD. This vision will define what direction the district will go in regards to the implementation of 21st Century learning tools. Stakeholders involved will include teachers, administrators, parents, and students. -
Business Meeting to allocate financial resources
A meeting will be held involving Ed Services and Business Services to budget the financial resources necessary to purchase one to one technology for 3rd, 5th, and 7th graders for the year 2016-17, grades 4th, 6th, and 8th for the year 2017-2018, and 9th-12th for the year 2018-2019. -
SAMR Prof. Dvlpt.
Professional Development on the SAMR model will be given to the teachers who will have one to one devices for the upcoming school year (3rd, 5th, and 7th grade teachers). These meetings will be ongoing through the school year. They will meet a minimum of 5 times in the year. -
Google Tools Prof. Dvlpt.
Professional Development will be provided to administrators and coaches in the area of Google Tools for Education. Administrators will use staff meetings throughout the year to train all teaching staff on the tools and how to implement them into instruction. -
SAMR Prof. Dvlpt.
Professional Development on the SAMR model will be given to the teachers who will have one to one devices for the upcoming school year (4th, 6th, and 8th grade teachers). These meetings will be ongoing through the school year. They will meet a minimum of 5 times in the year. -
Open Educational Resources
Research which textbooks could be replaced by Open Educational Resources or other online texts. -
SAMR Prof. Dvlpt
Professional Development on the SAMR model will be given to the teachers who will have one to one devices for the upcoming school year (9th-12th grade teachers). These meetings will be ongoing through the school year. They will meet a minimum of 5 times in the year.