My life Carmen 7C

  • Born

    I was born January 4th 2004 on the Beneficiencia Española I was the 1st on one sister my parents were so happy because I was the first and a girl they were exited and I was also born 1 day before my dad.hel
  • My christening

    My christening
    I was very little so I don´t remember almost anything but my family was there it is the only thing I remember and I had a party and my
    godparents were my aunt and uncle so it was good
  • My 2nd Birthday

    My 2nd Birthday
    This was my birthday my parents throw a party they made paella and my family went I had a piñata of Winnie Pooh and a cake of Princess also It was boring because I am the oldest cousin so I was alone but it was super fun.
  • My sister

    My sister
    My sister was born at first I was jealous because all the attencion was going to her but when she was growing it was better. She the best I love her so much and she keeps me from out getting bored and she´s the best I will protect her and love her so much.
  • BFF

    She is the best we had know each other since kinder 2 she´s always there for me and she´s my soul sister I always will believe in her she´s the best we see each other on school each friday we go to the movies etc.
  • My first communion

    My first communion
    My first communion was on Finestra a lot of my friends came we had a Spa and my family came I liked it a lot and I was super exited when it was I was also nervous but then it was fine.
  • Spain

    I went to Spain to meet all my cousins it was so much fun meeting them because I had never seen them before I have a lot of cousins on there: Rosario, Sara, Orlando, Maria, Eduardo. I am going this summer to see them and I am so exited to see them again it has been 2 years that I haven't see them so I am exited to see them again.
  • La Rama

    La Rama
    This is a festivity in a town of my grandparent and all the people dance liker for 4 hours and eat all day long and music all day long they close all the streets on the town so people can dance and at the end you can trow to the sea
  • Explora

    This was our 6th grade vacation I had lots of fun because some friends went and it was very fun, We also won all the boys so it was fun ;) We only went 6 girls but we won and I was pretty happy because I was with my friends and we had lots of fun it was some of the best days of my life.
  • My sister first communion

    My sister first communion
    My sister 1st communion was fun because there was a fair she was very exited I was also exited because she was happy so I was happy.
  • My cousin

    My cousin
    My cousin is the first one I have living here on Pachuca it was a special date we also went to the hospital to meet him and now he is in his house healthy so I am so happy for him.
  • My Present

    My Present
    So I am 12 years old almost 13 I am a tennis player my birthday is on January 4th so its preaty close I have a sister that keeps me company when I want I bothered her a little but she still loves me.