My freshman year 2011

By Owe61
  • First football practice

    Summer wheights. We started early in the summer and ended late summer.
  • Meet a new friend which is practically my brother now.

    I meet my friend named dylan and now he is like my brother. He Is graduated but is a really cool person.
  • First Highschool football game

    I was kinda nervous because i never played in front of a large crowd like that before. So i was nevous. But after the first game it wasentbad at all.
  • A good leason learned on the football team.

    While playing on the football team here i leard if you wanna play and have playing time u got t try your hardest. Plus you need to work hard on your days off by your self and get better.
  • Metacognition

    We learnd what metacognition meant on the first day of school.
    We practiced it for like the first month of school.
  • Cracked my head open in camp.

    I was leaning back in a chair in camp class and it flee out from under me and fell and cracked my head ope. I spent the rest of the day in the nurses office.
  • If i was in charge of the world

    We wrote papers and did projects on if i was in charge of the world.
    It was a pretty fun project.
  • Went deer hunting.

    Went deer hunting but we got to where we hunt and we forgot the guns. So we had to go back to the house and get them. So it was like 8:30 before we got back to the woods. Haha
  • Beauty is truth

    We learnd beauty is truth for a long time. Also november was my birthday. Haha We did beauty is truth for ever also.
  • My birthday

    Turned 15. Got my permit that next week becasue my birthday was on a staurday.
  • Got my permit

    Failed like 4 times because i did not study. But i got it a couple days later. Driving was a little scary when i first got it. But now its fun to drive.
  • We did t-rex writing

    We did t-rex writing which is a writing proccess that consits of 4 steps. T- truth R-Response E-Evidence X-Explanation.
  • Mr. Stroud came to teach

    He was a student at mo west and he was going to school to get his teaching degree.
  • My friend moved in with me.

  • First play i ever was in or helped with.

    It was kinda weird but it got better. It was a learning event.
  • My sister graduatd highschool

    My sister had her highschool graduation at her school. She went to kingcity high.
  • Contest for wood's class

    I went t contest out at missouri western for contest for woods class. Also metal's class and industerial clases went.
  • Me and bre made a handshake

    We were bored in comm arts. Its pretty awesome.
  • Last day of my freshman year

    My last day of my freshman year.
  • going to worlds of fun

    We go every year with my dad's work. We go down there all day.