Arabs Cross Straight of Gibraltar
Arabs Cross Straight of Gibraltar and gained control of the Iberian peninsula -
Sicilian Control
Muslims gained control of most of the peninsula and crossed to Sicily and maintained control for around 130 years. They also began their invasion of France at this time -
Muslim rule in France ended
Defeated by the forces of Charles Martel. Which halted the French expansion -
Golden age of Islam
The beginning of the Umayyad empire. Ruler Abdul-Rahman called the “falcon of Andalus”. He united many tribes and became the caliph of Cordoba. -
The great mosque
Abdur-Rahman’s som Al- Hakam continues the empire and is responsible for extending the great mosque. Beautifully described as the “jewel of the 10th century”. It was regarded as a great wonder until its destruction. -
Almoravides Empire
A short rule of this empire after the Umayyad empire -
A unique world
Andalusia was a unique place in the world. Universities thrived, science, mathematics, astronomy and astrology prevailed. It was the chief point of interaction between Muslims, Jews, and Christians. -
Peak of Islamic rule
Islamic civilization reached its peak (around 5.6 million strong). As an example there were around 200K houses, 600 mosques, 900 public baths, 50 hospitals, and lighted and paved streets. -
Almohades Empire
Almohades Empire rules for just over 130 years. -
Christian forces gain ground
Christian forces begin to gain back control of the peninsula. This is the beginning of the end of Muslim rule in Spain. -
Last of the Muslim rulers defeated.
The last of the Nasrid rulers fell to Ferdinand and Isabella. The Alhambra is the only place left in tact to showcase the Muslim masterpieces in Spain