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Muslim Civilizations

  • Jan 1, 610

    Muhammad's revelation

    Muhammad's revelation
    Muhammad's revelation happened on 610 when an angel came to tell him that he's the messenger of God. Muhammad's goal was to spread Islam through the Empire. Muhammad's revelation was important to the spread of Islam because he was the one to first introduce a religion that didn't include pagan gods (and he was the first person to belief in it, he was the "prophet")
  • Jan 1, 622


    Medina was known as the "city of the prophet." The people from Mecca threatened Muhammad and so him and his followers decided to leave; they later founded the new city called Medina. This new city fighted against Mecca and won the battles (with less people than Mecca). This new city was a turning poiint for Islam because everyone that followed Muhammad was welcomed and it helped to spread the religion.
  • Jan 1, 625

    Women spread Islam

    Women spread Islam
    Before Islam, the importance of Arab women varied. Is some communities women were active in politics, religion... However, in some other communities women had very limited. Islam confirmed equality between men and women; this was a major advance on the spread of islam because all the Arab women changed to this new religion (thst provided them more rights)
  • Jan 1, 625


    Before Islam, the importance of Arab women varied. Is some communities women were active in politics, religion... However, in some other communities women had very limited. Islam confirmed equality between men and women; this was a major advance on the spread of islam because all the Arab women changed to this new
  • Jan 1, 655

    Islam in North Africa

    Islam in North Africa
    After Muhammad's death, Islam kept spreading through Africa; Arab leaders traveled to other places (such as Africa) and spread the teachings. Because of the enequality in Africa, Islam spread very quickly through Northern Africa
  • Jan 1, 750

    Success of the Muslim Empire

    Success of the Muslim Empire
    At this point, the Empire was stablished and perfectly settled. The reasons fort the success of this Empire was that the Muslims had different fighting methods and they were also very tolerant when conquering.