Child Labor
Laws first passed prohibiting Child Labor. They were important as it showed that bussiness's could be regulated. It showed that American's weren't heartless. -
Annexation of Hawaii
This showed American's hunger for land around the world rather than just connecting land. The picture also represent's America's growth since it's conception and how we were always expansionists even though we say we fight for freedom. -
Cuba's Liberation
It was important as it helped lead to America becoming more imperialistic and took most of Spain's empire -
Worker's Union's
When Union's sprouted up they would come to stay and even now we have Union's to make sure that Bussiness's don't take advantage of us. -
Boxer Rebellion
This showed American's that they were becoming more imperalistic and this would be when we tried to be the good guys by passing an act that all the other countries would have to follow. It also show's that China wasn't always a big exporter to us as China was very weak during that time and we were gready. The picture show's three American troops during the boxer rebellion -
Mckinley's Assassination
Mckinley's assassination was very important because without his death Teddy Roosevelt might not have been elected and might have never put big bussiness down. Without this then Bussiness's would have taken advantage of the people even more. -
Trust Busting
This was important because it served as a show of the Governments power over bussiness's. The picture represent's the man Teddy Roosevelt taking care of monopoly's with his power to stop it taking advantage of the people's money. -
Ellis Island imigration
This is Important as it show's that Europe is a turbulant place setting the mood for World War I. It also show's refugees interest in America -
Great Migration
It helped that African Americans got out of the more violant prejudice south to take over jobs left by white men or were signed up for millitary service for the first time in serving over seas. This would be important because eventually they would have equal rights when fighting wars in the future. -
Panama Canel
The Panama Canel was important because it became the quickest way for shipping from Europe to Asia or New York to Asia. It was a gateway to the Pacific rather than sailing all the way across the cape of South America -
Trench Warfare
This is good as it show's War's eveloution of War showing that old tactics were now obsolite. It called for reformation in tactics in future wars. -
It was Important because it showed that the Federal Government could try to take things away from the people but in the end they would come back one way or another, either from bootlegging or from repeling an amendment. -
Women in the Workplace
It showed that women would be important when World War II came along because women could work in these hard labor jobs like riviting and welding rather than just house work. -
The Draft would be important because it would get men into millitary service when World War II, Nam, and Korea. -
League of Nation's
This was important because it was the first attempt of every nation trying to solve each other's problemes. One of the only reason's it failed is because the U.S senete didn't vote it in and the U.S didn't support it. That's demonstrated by the picture.