The fragmentation of the ancient world

By Bugs___
  • 570

    Muhammad was born

    Muhammad was born
    Muhammad Ibn Abdullah was born in 570
  • 618

    Muhammad's land

    Muhammad's land
    Mecca, the birthplace of Muhammad, was a large city with a population of more than 10000 population
  • 622

    Muhammad the new prophet

    Muhammad the new prophet
    Muhammad often went to meditate in a cave on Mount Hira.Here, according to the Koran, the angel Gabriel appeared to him and announced that he was the new prophet chosen by Allah
  • 632

    The expansion of Islam

    The expansion of Islam
    Muhammad died, most of the Arabian Peninsula had converted to Islam. They also conquered the Berber tribes in North Africa, took over most of the Iberian Peninsula
  • 632

    The organisation of the caliphate

    The organisation of the caliphate
    The first four caliphs, who ruled between 632 and 661, were chosen from Muhammad´s family members. However, this created a divide between the Muslims:
    -The Shia belived the caliph should be a direct descendent of Muhammad.
    -The Sunnis stressed the importance of the sunnah (traditional Muslim Laws) and thought he should be chosen from the most devout believers.
  • 661

    The Umayyad dynasty

    The Umayyad dynasty
    The Umayyad dynasty from syria seized power (661-750) and made Damascus the capital.They led a great expansion, conquering the Iberian Peninsula and other regions.
  • 718

    The conquered of the Berber tribes

    The conquered of the Berber tribes
    They also conquered the Berber tribes in North Africa, took over most of the Iberian Peninsula
  • 732

    The Berber tribes was conquered in North Africa

    The Berber tribes was conquered in North Africa
    The Muslims were beaten in the Battle of Poiters and forced to retreat south of the Pyrenees.
  • 756

    The independent Emirate

    The independent Emirate
    In 750, the caliphs in Damascus were overthrown by the Abbasids of Baghdad.The las member of the Umayyad family, Prince Abd al Rahman, fled to Al-Andalus in 756
  • 929

    The Caliphate of Córdoba

    The Caliphate of Córdoba
    In the early 10 century, the Emirate of Córdoba faced numerous problems:internal rebellions,attacks by the Christian kingdoms
  • Period: 929 to 1492

    The evolution of Al-Andalus

  • 1031

    The taifa kingdoms

    The taifa kingdoms
    froom 1008, the Caliphate began to break up.The aristocracy, senior civil servants and the army fought for power.By power 1031, Al-Andalus was divided into more than 25 independent kingdoms called taifas
  • 1248

    The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada

    The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada
    The only territory that survived the Christian advance of the 13 century was the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada.Granada was one of the most important cultural and commercial centres in Europe