Phase 1: Preparing for Digital Citizenship/Revisiting Our Vision
Provide Professional Development for teachers: Review the ITSE Standards and revise the school vision, Introduction to Buck Institute Project Based Learning model Update Technology Plan and begin technology tools needs assessment -
Phase 2: Refine/Update Our Infrastructure for Collaboration
Continue Professional Development for teachers: Technology Integration: An Inquiry Based Approach
Purchase and Install Promethean Boards in all classrooms Roll out Apple 1 to 1 Program: Kinder: iPads,
1-2: Mini-iPads,
3-5: Mac Books All classrooms will have traditional desk removed. Replace with new furniture that facilitates student inquiry, research, collabortion and presentation. -
Phase 3: Professional Development for Project Based Learning
All teachers are now facilitators of student learning. Teachers will recieve coaching support as they continue to receive skills and knowledge based training.
Students will be quipped with skills and have access to the technology tools they need for digital communication. -
Phase 4: Professional Development-PlanningBackwards Mapping
Teachers will plan/udate Units of Study with a focus on differntiation for English Learners. Teachers will backwards map 6 Inquiry Based Technology Integration Projects using updated on-online tools provided by the Buck Institute. -
Phase 5: Professional Development-Teachers as Facilitators
Teachers will feel comfortable with facilitating student learning.
Teacher will select their choice of Professional Development based on their confort level from a menu that includes: Online Digital Learning, Inquiry Based teaching through Socratic Questioning, Project Based Learning, Social Media for Student Achievement, etc. -
Phase 6: Montebello Park Technology Center
The school of the future is here. The school facility has been transformed into a technology center. Collaborative, Inquiry Based learning with technology integration is the norm. All teachers and students feel confident and successful. Student achievement is heightened because teachers have the background, training and tools they need to sustain this model. Monte