Mohondas Ghandi

  • Birth

    He was born in Porbandar.
  • Marrage

    Gandi was married at age 13 to Kasturba. This was an arranged Marrage.
  • College

    Gandhi went to England to study law.
  • London

    Gandhi travels to London to try to gain rights of South African Indians.
  • Agrement

    Gandhi reaches an agreement with President Smuts, ending the protests in South Africa.
  • Protest

    Gandhi makes an agreement to stop protest.
  • Returning

    Gandhi returns back to India, and receives a warming welcome.
  • Amritsar Massacre

    Gandhi did not attend. this was important because they were protesting peacefully and the British started shotting them. This lead to hundreds of casualties.
  • Salt March

    He lead a protest to walk to Dandi and make thier own salt. Over 10,000 people jioned him on his 23 day 240 mile march.
  • Arrested

    Gandhi was arrested for breaking the salt laws.
  • Fasting

    Gandhi begins to fast to protest the British government's treatment of India's untouchables.
  • Arrested

    Gandhi was arrested due to not supporting the British in the war.
  • Death

    Gandhi's wife Kasturbai dies.
  • Suckness

    Gandhi had bad malaria attack and was ill for some time.
  • Independence

    India gains thier independence and is partioned into two countries, India and Pakistan.
  • Death

    He was assassinated by Nathuram Vinayuk Godse. He was shot.