Mohandas K. Gandhi Timeline

  • Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is Born in Gujarat, India

    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is Born in Gujarat, India
  • Mohandes Gandhi Begins Primary School in Rajkot

    Mohandes Gandhi Begins Primary School in Rajkot
  • Mohandes Gandhi Enters High School in Rajkot

    Mohandes Gandhi Enters High School in Rajkot
  • Mohandes Gandhi Marries Kasturbai Makhanji in an Arranged Child Marriage

    Mohandes Gandhi Marries Kasturbai Makhanji in an Arranged Child Marriage
  • Mohandes Gandhi Travels to South Africa to Work Under a Year-Long Contract with Dada Abdulla & Co., an Indian Firm

    Mohandes Gandhi Travels to South Africa to Work Under a Year-Long Contract with Dada Abdulla & Co., an Indian Firm
  • Mahatma Gandhi is Ejected from a South African Train, Motivating Him to Fight for Indian Rights in the British Colony

    Mahatma Gandhi is Ejected from a South African Train, Motivating Him to Fight for Indian Rights in the British Colony
  • Mohandes Gandhi is Nearly Lynched by White Settlers in Durban upon Returning from a Brief Trip to Fetch his Family in India

    Mohandes Gandhi is Nearly Lynched by White Settlers in Durban upon Returning from a Brief Trip to Fetch his Family in India
  • Gandhi Introduces Non-Violent Protest Philosophy of Satyagraha

    Gandhi Introduces Non-Violent Protest Philosophy of Satyagraha
  • Gandhi is Arrested for the First Time, for Refusing to Carry an Obligatory ID Card in South Africa

    Gandhi is Arrested for the First Time, for Refusing to Carry an Obligatory ID Card in South Africa
  • Gandhi Establishes the Tolstoy Farm, which Serves as a Base of Operations for His Activities in South Africa

    Gandhi Establishes the Tolstoy Farm, which Serves as a Base of Operations for His Activities in South Africa
  • Gandhi Begins "Great March" to Gain Indian Rights in South Africa

    Gandhi Begins "Great March" to Gain Indian Rights in South Africa
  • Gandhi Suspends South African Struggle After Winning Passage of the Indian Relief Act

    Gandhi Suspends South African Struggle After Winning Passage of the Indian Relief Act
  • Gandhi Receives Hero's Welcome Upon Returning to India from South Africa

    Gandhi Receives Hero's Welcome Upon Returning to India from South Africa
  • The Gandhi Era of the Indian Independence Movement Begins with the Non-Cooperation Movement

    The Gandhi Era of the Indian Independence Movement Begins with the Non-Cooperation Movement
  • Gandhi is Given Exclusive Authority Over the Indian National Congress

    Gandhi is Given Exclusive Authority Over the Indian National Congress
  • Nationalist Mob Sets Fire to a Police Station in Chauri Chaura Incident, Prompting Mahatma Gandhi to Call Off the Non-Cooperation Movement

    Nationalist Mob Sets Fire to a Police Station in Chauri Chaura Incident, Prompting Mahatma Gandhi to Call Off the Non-Cooperation Movement
  • Gandhi is Arrested by the British Government on Charges of Inciting Violence at Chauri Chaura

    Gandhi is Arrested by the British Government on Charges of Inciting Violence at Chauri Chaura
  • Gandhi is Released from Prison After Serving Only Two Years of a Six-Year Sentence Following Surgery for Appendicitis

    Gandhi is Released from Prison After Serving Only Two Years of a Six-Year Sentence Following Surgery for Appendicitis
  • Gandhi Begins Twenty-One Day Fast in an Attempt to Reconcile Hindus and Muslims

    Gandhi Begins Twenty-One Day Fast in an Attempt to Reconcile Hindus and Muslims
  • Declaration of the Independence of India

    Declaration of the Independence of India
  • Lord Irwin, Viceroy of India, Signs the Gandhi-Irwin Pact

    Lord Irwin, Viceroy of India, Signs the Gandhi-Irwin Pact
  • Gandhi Begins Six-Day Fast to Protest Separate Elections for Untouchables

    Gandhi Begins Six-Day Fast to Protest Separate Elections for Untouchables
  • Gandhi Announces Retirement from Politics to Focus on Village Economics

    Gandhi Announces Retirement from Politics to Focus on Village Economics
  • Gandhi Announces Fast-Unto-Death in the Effort to Form a People's Council in Rajkot

    Gandhi Announces Fast-Unto-Death in the Effort to Form a People's Council in Rajkot
  • Gandhi is Arrested, Along with the Entire Congress Working Committee

    Gandhi is Arrested, Along with the Entire Congress Working Committee
  • Direct Action Day, Also Known as the "Great Calcutta Killing"

    Direct Action Day, Also Known as the "Great Calcutta Killing"
  • United Kingdom Passes the Indian Independence Act 1947

    United Kingdom Passes the Indian Independence Act 1947
  • Mahatma Gandhi Announces Fast to End Hindu/Muslim Violence in Delhi

    Mahatma Gandhi Announces Fast to End Hindu/Muslim Violence in Delhi
  • Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is Assassinated by Nathuram Godse

    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is Assassinated by Nathuram Godse