Independencia mexico historia

Mexico's independence

  • In new Spain come the ideas of liberation "free states".

    In new Spain come the ideas of liberation "free states".
  • Coup d'etat against Viceroy Iturrigaray.

    Coup d'etat against Viceroy Iturrigaray.
    This was a coup because of his support for the autonomist creoles, which resulted in the government not allowing rights to the creoles.
  • Period: to

    Mexico's independence

    It was a political and also a social process, in which the Spanish rule over Nueva Eapaña ended and the Mexican empire began.
  • Ignacio Allende intercepts the arrest warrant and goes to Dolores, where Miguel Hidalgo decides to take up arms.

    Ignacio Allende intercepts the arrest warrant and goes to Dolores, where Miguel Hidalgo decides to take up arms.
  • Grito de Dolores

    Grito de Dolores
    The priest Miguel Hidalgo starts the Mexican war of independence.
  • Viceroy Venegas

    Viceroy Venegas
    Viceroy Venegas forms an army against the Hidalgo movement. He calls it the royalist army
  • The War of the Alhóndiga

    The War of the Alhóndiga
    It is a bellicose action, between royalist soldiers of the province and the insurgents commanded by Miguel Hidalgo and Ignacio Allende.
    Juan José de los Reyes Martínez Amaro "El papila" who burned the main door of the Alhondiga protected himself with a wood on his back and from that moment he took command of Guanajuato and the independence struggle began.
  • Clashes took place between the Spanish army and the insurgent movement.

    Clashes took place between the Spanish army and the insurgent movement.
  • Ignacio Allende are captured

    Ignacio Allende are captured
    Miguel Hidalgo and Ignacio Allende are captured by Ignacio Elizondo in Las Norias.
  • Ignacio Allende, Ignacio Aldama are shot in Chihuahua.

    Ignacio Allende, Ignacio Aldama are shot in Chihuahua.
  • Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla is shot and beheaded in Chihuahua.

     Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla is shot and beheaded in Chihuahua.
  • José María Morelos y Pavón establishes a congress to exercise sovereignty. There he does a reading of "Feelings to the Nation"

    José María Morelos y Pavón establishes a congress to exercise sovereignty. There he does a reading of "Feelings to the Nation"
  • July 14: Morelos writes to the president of the United States, James Madison, to recognize the independence of Nueva España.

    July 14: Morelos writes to the president of the United States, James Madison, to recognize the independence of Nueva España.
  • Morelos is shot in San Cristóbal Ecatepec.

    Morelos is shot in San Cristóbal Ecatepec.
  • Vicente Guerrero defeats the royalist army on the hill of Piaxtla.

    Vicente Guerrero defeats the royalist army on the hill of Piaxtla.
  • The insurgent movement rises with the support of General Francisco Xavier Mina and Servando Teresa de Mier.

    The insurgent movement rises with the support of General Francisco Xavier Mina and Servando Teresa de Mier.
  • Vicente Guerrero is defeated in Agua Zarca.

    Vicente Guerrero is defeated in Agua Zarca.
  • Iturbide goes out to fight against Vicente Guerrero.

    Iturbide goes out to fight against Vicente Guerrero.
  • Plan of Iguala is signed, to declare New Spain as an independent country

    Plan of Iguala is signed, to declare New Spain as an independent country
  • The Trigarante Army to Mexico City At this time Mexican independence is consummated

    The Trigarante Army to Mexico City At this time Mexican independence is consummated
  • Morelos is taken prisoner.

    Morelos is taken prisoner.