
  • Aug 1, 1521

    Spanish control of Mexico after Hernán Cortés conquered.

    Spanish control of Mexico after Hernán Cortés conquered.
    Hernán Cortés and his army conquered the Aztec Empire in August 1521. After the Spanish King Charles V. Cortés founded a capital city called the Ciudad de Mexico, on the ruins of former city Tenochtitlan.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon’s invasion and occupation of Spain

    When Napoleon invaded Spain he intensified the revolutionary fervor in Mexico and in other spanish countries.
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    Hidalgo led his growing militia from village to village en route to Mexico City

    Miguel Hidalgo and his militia went around Mexico City
  • On, Spanish Viceroy Juan de O’Donojú signed the Treaty of Córdoba, which approves a plan to make Mexico an independent constitutional monarchy.

    On, Spanish Viceroy Juan de O’Donojú signed the Treaty of Córdoba, which approves a plan to make Mexico an independent constitutional monarchy.
    Spanish Viceroy Juan de O’Donojú signed the Treaty of Córdoba,sending Mexico into an Independent constitutional. They approves the plan to make Mexico an independent constitutional monarchy allowing them to be their own country.
  • Resistance against Spain.

    Resistance against Spain.
    Santa Anna became the president of Mexico after leading the successful resistance against Spain, in their attempt to recapture Mexico.
  • The revolution broke out

    The revolution broke out
    The Spanish took over Mexico 1521. During this time Mexicans did not have a lot of freedom. During the 1800’s and some of the 1900’s Mexico revolted against the Spanish to try to re-gain their freedom.
  • Napoleon III sends Júarez out of Mexico

    Napoleon III sends Júarez out of Mexico
    Benito Júarez is president after emerging victorious out of the War of the Reform. Napoleon III sends his troops to occupy Mexico City, forcing Júarez and his government out of the city. The archduke of Austria, Maximilian, takes the throne of a Mexican Empire
  • Napoleon III sends Júarez out of Mexico

    Napoleon III sends Júarez out of Mexico
    Benito Júarez is president after emerging victorious out of the War of the Reform. Napoleon III sends his troops to occupy Mexico City, forcing Júarez and his government out of the city. The archduke of Austria, Maximilian, takes the throne of a Mexican Empire
  • Porfirio Díaz takes control of Mexico

    Porfirio Díaz takes control of Mexico
    After a successful revolt, Díaz takes control over Mexico replacing Júarez. During this Mexico goes through huge commercial and economic development due to Díaz’s encouragement of foreign investment in the country
  • The Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution
    Details: The Mexican Revolution begins when Madero started the Plan of San Luis Potosí. This plan or issue was meant to be a promising democracy, federalism, agrarian reform and worker’s rights and declaring war on the Díaz regime
  • End of Mexican Revolution

    End of Mexican Revolution
    Obregón is overthrown and killed by a group of generals.
    A new president is elected and works to reform Mexico after the many years of devastating revolution Up to 900,000 Mexicans had emigrated from 1910 to 1917, escaping violence and searching for work