Mexican Independence Time

  • early months of 1810

    early months of 1810
    The people that could read had meetings to talk about conspiracies against the Spanish because criollos were angry that they had less money and power than the Spaniards.
  • Sept 13, 1810

    Sept 13, 1810
    The Spanish found out that there were people doing conspiracies against them and they set out to arrest them. Josefa was locked in her house because her husband didn’t want her to get arrested as well and she was able to send out message of what was happening so that the others who did conspiracies could escape the arrest. Allende was notified and he went to Dolores to tell Hidalgo.
  • Sept 16, 1810

    Sept 16, 1810
    Hidalgo found out what was happening and he went to the church to ring the bell and do the Grito de Dolores (the battle cry).
  • September 28, 1810

    September 28, 1810
    El Pipila set the Alhóndiga de Granaditas on fire to kill the Spanish locked inside it and he was later seen as a hero of the Mexican Independence.
  • October 30, 1810

    October 30, 1810
    On this day there was battle called the Battle of Monte de las Cruces and it was the first battle that the insurgents won against the Spanish.
  • January 1811

    January 1811
    On this month the Battle of the Calderon Bridge happened and this time the Spanish won against the insurgents.
  • July 31 1811

    July 31 1811
    Hidalgo was killed on this day.
  • November 1815

    Morelos led the insurgents in the Battle of Temalaca and they lost again to the royalists. During this battle lots of the insurgents were captured and Morelos was one of them.
  • February 24, 1821

    February 24, 1821
    Agustin Iturbide presented the Plan de Iguala and said that the country was going to be a Catholic monarchy.
  • September 1821

    September 1821
    Iturbide’s Ejercito de las Tres Garantías got to the capital because they won the war and now Itrubide was made emperor.