Start of the Middle Ages
The fall of Rome Marked the begining of the Middle Ages. One of the toughest Eras throughout history. -
Period: 500 to
Overview Timeline task 1
Jan 1, 622
Beginning of Islam
The religon Islam started this year,it began to spread and still does to this day. Whie all the other events that occured during this period are important, i thin that this is one of the most important/siginificant event. This is because without this specific event everything would have happended differently for example there would not have been a war between christians and this religon. Modern religions would be affected by this aswell. -
Jan 1, 1347
The black death spread to Europe
The first signs of the Black Plague in Europe were present 1347. In the span of three years, the Black Death killed one third of all the people in Europe. This was a very siginifcatnt event as it began the dreaded period of the black death. If the deciese did not spread so many more people would be alive ad the course of Europes history wuld have been altered. The black death wiped out 30–60% of Europe's population, if these people didnt die Europe could have overpopulated. -
Sep 1, 1349
The black death reaches Norway
Once the black death reached Norway, it spread to neighbouring Places more specifically, it reaches London, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. The epidemic must have been started by infected rats and fleas in the grain cargo of a sailing ship that docked there. -
Jan 1, 1467
The Ōnin War
The ōnin war was a civil war that lasted 10 years (1467–1477). The was started between hosokawa katsumoto and Yamana Sōzen. Which escalated into a nationwide war involving lots of other people and reigons. During this war three people united to unite japan under one rule; Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu. -
social Classes
Tokugawa Shogunate divided population into classes, based on importance: emporer,lords, samurai, peasents, merchants. Even though merchants may have held wealth they were still at the botom of the social ladder. The social classes helped to seperate the important from the "None important". Peasents may have been second to last but without them no basic needs would be no longer produced. -
Mt Fuji erupts
Mt fuji is a massive mountain, which is now the landmark of Japan. When the mountain erupted no lava flowed but released around 800 illion cubic meters of volcain ash.