Medieval Timeline

  • 1347 BCE

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The black death was important because it wiped out many people and killed millions. Also it stoped major trade travel because of how the disease spread.
  • 1040 BCE

    Invention of moveable type

    Invention of moveable type
    I think this important to the history of medieval times because of small number of alphabetic characters needed for European languages was an important factor. Also because making the mass production of pamphlets possible, these were used to voice ideas to people, in the form of propaganda
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 1500 BCE

    Medieval TImeline

  • 1054

    Great Schism

    Great Schism
    This is important because back then christanitly was a big deal and having it split up into to caused problems. Also, the Pope claimed he held authority over the four Eastern Greek-speaking patriarchs, and over the insertion of the filioque clause into the Nicene Creed.
  • 1095

    First Crusade is launched

     First Crusade is launched
    I think this is important because one it was the first series of religious wars. Also while Jerusalem had been under Muslim rule for hundreds of years, by the 11th century the Seljuk takeover of the region threatened local Christian populations.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The magna carta was an important part of history because it influnced many other people with it rules. Also it created a sort of justice against kings during that time period
  • 1337

    Beginning of the Hundred Years’ War

    Beginning of the Hundred Years’ War
    War between England and France from 1337 to 1453, with political and economic causes and consequences. It was generally caused by a disagreement in the inheritance of the French Throne. ... They told her that the uncrowned King Charles VII had to be crowned and the English driven out of France.
  • 1378

    Western Schism begins

    Western Schism begins
    The eastern church was allowed to marry, Greek was the language of the eastern church and they believed that the patriarch is a leader only of an area. The Byzantine church became the Eastern Orthodox church and the western church became the Roman Catholic Church. .
  • 1439

    Gutenberg invents printing press

     Gutenberg invents printing press
    The impact of the Gutenberg printing press was immeasurable. It caused nothing less than a dramatic social and cultural revolution. The sudden widespread dissemination of printed works - books, tracts, posters and papers - gave direct rise to the European Renaissance.
  • 1453

    Siege of Constantinople

    Siege of Constantinople
    It is important as the Black Sea trade crashed as the Ottoman Empire essentially started a monopoly for trade. The Fall of Constantinople severely hurt trades in the European region.
  • 1492

    Columbus sails to the Americas

    Columbus sails to the Americas
    This was important because it was when America first started. Also it made what America is right now.