MCCCD College History

By Karijaz
  • Nation’s First Junior College

    Nation’s First Junior College
    Joliet Junior College - Illinois 2 years of courses to high school curriculum - opened with 6 students - educational focus on the first 2 years of college work

    American Association of Junior (now Community) Colleges established; representing 34 unique 2 year colleges
  • Phoenix Junior College (now Phoenix College)

    Phoenix Junior College (now Phoenix College)
    Phoenix Union High School district establishes the fist community college in AZ
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

    During this time, community colleges adapted to the needs of the community by providing job training programs as a way to ease widespread unemployment.
  • President’s Commission On Higher Education

    The 1947 President's Commission on Higher Education established a network of public community colleges that would provide education to a diverse group of students at little or no cost along with serving community needs through a comprehensive mission.
  • Period: to

    Enrollment Boom

    Community colleges experienced enrollment increases from roughly 1 million students in 1965 to 4.3 million in 1980. This surge in enrollments is attributed to 3 factors:
    - baby boomers coming of college of age during those years
    - more parents desiring a postsecondary education for their children - students seeking draft deferment during the Vietnam War.
  • Maricopa Junior College District

    County voters approve establishment of the system of Junior colleges & acquisition of Phoenix Junior College
  • Higher Education Act Passed

    Enacted to strengthen the educational resources of our colleges & universities & to provide financial assistance for students in post-secondary and higher education.
  • Glendale & Mesa Community Colleges

    Originally established at branch campuses of Phoenix Junior College, they became independent campuses
  • Scottsdale Community College

    Scottsdale Community College
    SCC opens with 948 students. What eventually became the college the beloved mascot, “Artie” the Artichoke was originally proposed by students in the 1970s. Designed to be an embarrassment to the college they thought was spending too much on sports programs & not enough on academics.
  • Junior now Community!

    The term junior is changed to cummi]unity college as more representative of the colleges missions.
  • Nationwide Commission on the Future of Community Colleges

    Commission recommends that community colleges creatie partnerships with employers and make facilities available for workforce training. Today, community colleges provide certificates in vocational training programs & course work leading to associate degrees, remedial educational services & customized courses designed to meet the needs of current & potential local employers.
  • MCCCD Named Top Employer

    Forbes magazine names Maricopa County Community College District to its list of top employers.