Phoenix College - Mesa Extension
The first campus was located in Main StreeT Mesa. Now, the Ladmark restaurant -
330 students -
New Home
A new campus is Dobson with Souther Road. -
Mesa Community College is Born
MCC became a separated insitution from PC -
Breaking Ground
Breaking ground in the new campus -
"Portanle university"
The new campus open his classroom, and included a few building and 26 portable classroom.
It got the nickname of "portable University" -
Fall registration
The fall registartion increased to 3800 student -
First graduation
Includen 253 students -
Mascot Thunderbird
A changed of macot. From "Hokan" to Thunderbird. -
Performance Art Open
The Center for Artn open its doors. -
The number of students enrollemnt in MCC.
MCC led all the Maricopa Community Colleges in Enrolment -
Chandler-Gilbert Education Center
An extension of MCC opened. -
Telephone Registration
The registartion via rotatory phone made its debut. -
Silver Jubilee
MCC East Campus open
McKellis and Power Road -
Red mountain Campus
Groundbreaking of the east campus -
Presidential Visit
George Walker Bush
43rd President of the United States visited MCC. -
Highest Honor
MCC named to the U.S. President's Higher Education Honor Roll -
MCC reach the highest enrollment
MCC reached 44,000 students. Similar to the capacity of the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium in Washington,DC -
red Mountain Campus Welcome students
Red Mountain campus opned its doors.