Mapping Out Implementation: Makerspaces

By galegre
  • Identify stakeholders for Makerspaces Committee

    We need a mix of site admin, teachers, DO Admin, Business representatives, both financial and facilities planning
  • Period: to

    Makerspaces Site Visits

    Schedule visits with other districts that have successfully implemented Makerspaces.
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    Makerspace Commitee Meetings

    Meet with Committee to debrief on visits. Start developing a makerspace vision, goal and plan to start begin in the 18-19 school year. Bi weekly meetings will for two hours until the end of the September. Assign tasks for each department to develop plan (ie. have finance find the money available, or site admins need to find classrooms, to have facilities prepare for what work needs to be done, etc.)
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    Makerspace Committee Meetings

    Continue to meet with the Committee on a monthly basis.
  • Board Meeting

    Present our plan to the Board of Education. Plan will include sites that will be involved, budget, a pilot site, development of curriculum (UC approval) and assessment plan
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    Prepare pilot classrooms for Makerspace

    At participating sites, begin construction of the classrooms that will need to to be converted into makerspaces.
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    Develop curriculum and assessments

    Begin the development of a scope and sequence for the class. Identify the projects to be completed (some will be open ended). Identify equipment needed. Identify assessments (may be alternative). Purchase necessary materials, equipment, etc.
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    Preparing More Makerspaces at nonpilot, but participating sites

    Begin the construction needed to prepare classroom at the other sites.
  • Meet with pilot teachers

    Meet with the pilot teachers to determine what changes need to be made to the program. Are more resources needed? Does the class need to be better advertised? Evaluation of the projects and curriculum... etc.
  • Board of Education Meeting

    Update the Board on the pilot, and explain success and changes needed to expand to all sites.
  • Full implementation of Makerspaces

    After the initial pilot at select sites, Makerspace will be available at all participating sites.