Management Timeline

  • 500 BCE

    Sun Tzu's Art of War

    Sun Tzu's Art of War
    The idea of Sun Tzu's Art of War book actually was the first written idea of business management, it was intended to be used for the Chinese military, however, the ideas he used in the book are directly related to the ideas of business management today. One of his theories is that you have to be able to identify your business or personal weaknesses before you could exploit your enemies. The ideas in the book are closely related to ideas of business.
  • Administrative Management Theory

    Administrative Management Theory
    During the industrial revolution Henri Fayol came out with a book after he started his career in a coal mine, he ended up raising up through the business and then owning it. He came up with 14 principles, mostly on the administrative side, however, he had good ideas about things like that top management doesn't interact with regular employees.
  • Bureaucracy Organization

    Bureaucracy Organization
    Normally this is thought of in government, however it can be used in businesses. Bureaucracy organization is having several clear layers that work together and run laterally, usually. This also comes with clear, decisive directions and instructions which can make it easier. Max Weber did not come up with the idea, however, the German sociologist studies made the idea from main stream for business and governments across the world.
  • General System Theory

    General System Theory
    In the 1940s a biologist who wasn't at first looking to work in management came up with the idea that not one bone or organ or cell in your body is productive, something with a business. Not one group is productive on its own, it has to work with everyone else to be able to do things within the business and be successful.
  • Fredrick Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

    Fredrick Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory
    In the 1950s Herzberg and Drucker Honestly experimented and study additional driving forces that cause people to work hard. They found that planning and determining goals, group organization, motivating and communicating, performance measurement, and people development were the main reasons people worked and what helped them work more efficiently and effectively.
  • Hierarchy of Needs

    Hierarchy of Needs
    Abraham Maslow created the idea that was shaped in a pyramid or mountain shape. You have to complete the bottom levels before you can move onto things above them. The bottom level is things like physical needs, then things that will keep you safe, then the feeling of being loved and cared about. The following two are the top two, they are the hardest to achieve, making sure you have esteem for both yourself and others, and lastly the one you should always work for self-actualization.
  • Human Relations Management Theory

    Human Relations Management Theory
    Elton Mayo came up with the idea that not everything is about money and not every person just wants money. He had the idea that if top managers or just managers just in general talked with and interacted with employees the better they would work and things would be.
  • Theory X and Theory Y

    Theory X and Theory Y
    Theory X and Y are two types of management styles that work hand-in-hand. To sum it up in the 1960s Douglas McGregor came up with the idea that either people want to work towards a goal, theory y, or people don't want to, theory x. Whichever type of employees you have is the type of management style you need to use.
  • Total Quality Management

    Total Quality Management
    Edward Deming came up with the idea that every company should always strive for protection which comes from the top leadership. You need to do this through the idea that everyone works together and makes sure that things are perfect. It will always give a goal to every single person in the company to strive for.
  • Servant Leadership and Management

    Servant Leadership and Management
    This is the idea that was brought about that said basically the main overall job any manager has is to make sure that all of his or her employees are happy and can do their job. Everything else that a manager has done or is doing should always be second to this idea no matter what.