• Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    the artisan workshops disappeared, and production was centralized, which gave rise to the factory system where the businessman was the owner of the means of production, and the worker sold his labor power. Specialization and serial production emerged.
  • Adam Smit classical school

    Adam Smit classical school
    The state must intervene as little as possible and let the forces of supply and demand act freely.
  • The military organization

    The military organization
    is the part of the army, that performs the auxiliary function that ensures the proper functioning and performance of the fighting forces. According to each subordinate can only have one superior - fundamental for the leadership function. - he is the central nucleus of all military organizations.
  • George R. Terry's neoclassical approach

    George R. Terry's neoclassical approach
    focuses on the analysis of work, and adaptation of the worker to work. In this first stage. The merely productive aspect dominates.
  • Scientific Management Theory

    Scientific Management Theory
    It talks about the rationalization of work at the operational level, which was proposed by Frederick Winslow Taylor.
  • Theory of bureaucracy

    Theory of bureaucracy
    Formal bureaucratic organization Organizational rationality developed by Max Weber.
  • Classical theory

    Classical theory
    Speaks or focuses on the formal Organization proposed by Henri Fayol.
  • Theory of human relations

    Theory of human relations
    It talks about the informal organization, motivation, leadership, communications, and group dynamics, developed by Elton Mayo. It was basically a movement of reaction and opposition to the classical theory of administration.
  • Theory of quality Kaoru Ishikawa

    Theory of quality Kaoru Ishikawa
    indicates that the CTC (Total Quality Control) in Japan is characterized by the participation of all employees rather than relying only on the specialists. He paid special attention to developing the use of practical and accessible statistical methods for the industry.
  • Structuralist theory

    Structuralist theory
    Multiple approaches are generated, Formal and informal organization, Intra organizational analysis, and inter-organizational analysis, developed by Amitai Etzioni.
  • Neostructuralist Theory

    Intra organizational Analysis and Environmental Analysis
  • Neoclassical theory

    This talks about general principles of administration, functions of the administrator.
  • Quantitative School Herbert Simon

    Quantitative School Herbert Simon
    considers that the work of the corporation can be facilitated if, on the one hand, it is possible to measure in quantitative aspects each of the elements that affect the company, and on the other, if the organizational problems are analyzed in the light of certain mathematical models related to decision making.
  • Theory of Organizational Behavior

    Management Styles, Decision Theory, Integration of Organizational and Individual Goals.
  • Organizational Development Theory

    Planned Organizational Change, Open System Approach.
  • Quality Theory William Ouchi

    Quality Theory William Ouchi
    Ouchi became known for his studies of the differences between Japanese and American companies, and management styles.
  • Contingency Theory

    Environmental Analysis (Environmental Imperative) Open System Approach.
  • Contingency Theory

    Technology Management (Technological Imperative)
  • Philip Crosby Theory of Quality

    Philip Crosby Theory of Quality
    Crosby's response to the quality crisis was the principle of "doing it right the first time" (DIRFT), which also included its four basic principles.
  • Jacques Horovitz's quality theory

    Jacques Horovitz's quality theory
    Strategic control also focuses on "achieving future goals" rather than evaluating past results.
  • Theory of quality. William Deming

    Theory of quality. William Deming
    focuses on continuous improvement in the quality of products and services. Reducing uncertainty and variability in the design, manufacturing, service processes. Under the leadership of the directors.
  • Current management approaches

    The current business economy registers a slow growth in the world. Its clients are now more demanding. There are greater risks and a difficult economic situation, which causes the appearance of new strategies that transform the way to do business.