Mahatma gandhi 4a

Mahatma Gandhi

  • Gandhi was born

    Gandhi was born
  • Ghandi gets married to Kasturba

    Ghandi gets married to Kasturba
  • Gandhi is arrested and sentenced to two months in prison for burning his registration card

    Gandhi is arrested and sentenced to two months in prison for burning his registration card
    This was an important time because Gandhi was arrested because he was standing up for his rights. Gandhi gathered people who would stand up with him to the british. Him and a lot of other people were arrested along with Gandhi for burning their registration cards.
  • Gandhi leaves for England to study law

    Gandhi leaves for England to study law
  • Gandhi becomes President of the Indian National Congress

    Gandhi becomes President of the Indian National Congress
    Gandhi was the voice for the people who couldn't stand up for themselves. So, the people decided to make Gandhi president of the Indian National Congress.
  • Period: to

    Gandhi leads his salt march to the sea

    Gandhi felt that the tax that the british put on salt was unfair. So, instead of buying their salt Gandhi had gathered some people to march to the sea and while they were going more and more people started marching along with them.
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    Gandhi fasts in prison to protest the treatment of untouchables

    Gandhi believed that the untouchables were not being treated right. So Gandhi fasted so the untouchables would be treated correctly.
  • Congress leaders are arrested;Gandhi is imprisoned in the Aga Kan's palace.

    This was the second time Gandhi had been arrested. He was arrested for protesting.
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    Gandhi fasts while imprisoned, to protest British rule

    Gandhi believed that fasting would help his situation. So, while he was in prison he fasted so he could protest against the british rule.
  • Gandhi is assassinated by Nathuram Vinayuk Godse, a Hindu Nationalist.

    Gandhi is assassinated by Nathuram Vinayuk Godse, a Hindu Nationalist.