Continental Congress officially signs Declaration of Independence.
In 1776, July,4 Continental Congree officially signed the Declaration of Independence. This article was written to express that the thirteen colonies were no longer going to be ruled by Great Britain. This was important because if this document was never made we would still be ruled by Great Britain indtaed of our government system. It also gave people freedom for religion and speech and the power to create their own government. -
When the constitution was signed.
The constitution is our second written form of government. It was a major improvement from the AoC. It includes amendments and protects our rights. It is divided into three branches with equal power. It includes the bill of rights which is the amendments which gives people their rights and freedom. It was important because without it we would still be living on the AoC which would not be good because we would not have the freedom or power to do anything like we have today. -
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Andrew jacksons presidency
Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the U.S. he was not the best president. He didnt listen to any of the rules, the constitution and Declaration. His presidency was important because of his contribution to growth of the U.S. -
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The trail of tears
The trail of tears was a indian removal act. President jefferson hated the indians and at gun point forced removed them from their homes. He wanted to claim there land and didnt care about how the indians felt. The trail was 2,200 miles long they had a few wagons but they traveled mostly on foot. A lot died and when they got to Oklahoma they had to recreate their lives. Some tribes like the Cherokke and Chickasaw. This event was important because now we know the Indians were just like us. -
Battle of Antietam
The battle of Antietam was a one day battle, it was the bloddiest one day battle in history. There was over 23,000 casualties which is why it was the bloddiest battle. It was important beacuse the union was victorious and resulted in lincoln giving the emancipation proclaimation. -
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The battle of Gettysburg.
The battle of Gettysburg was the largest battle ever fouht in North America. Before this war the confederacy had the winning advantage. This baatle was inmportant because it was the turning point for the North, they were victorious. -
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Battle of little bighorn.
This battle was very improtant becasue no U.S. troops survived. It was against the U.S. and the Native Americans. The Na`s killed all the U.S. troops and most of their men survived. There was a very famous painting done by one of the cheifs who fought in the battle. -
Wounded knee massacre
This event was when a group of american soldeirs stormed into NA land fro no reason and killed over 200 people. This event happended between the native americans and the american soldiers. This happened because the NA`s were doing a tribal dance and the soldiers thought they were doing something else and they attacked them and killed over 200 of them. It was important because it is an important event in history, we need to know about this so we don`t let this happen again in the future. -
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The great depression
more than 3.2 million were jobless and had barely any money. People were stealing form supermarkets. The government loaned 2 billion dollars to banks. The Civil Works administration halped employ over 4 million people. This event was important because it shows us that we are fotunate to have enough jobs for us and enough money to run. -
Apollo 11 landed on the moon.
Apollo 11 was the first space craft to land people on the moon. It included john armstrong whos firat word on the moon was "one small step for man, a large step for man-kind". They went to the moon because they wanted to be the first people to land people on the moon safely. This was important beacsue we were trying to be the soviet union and we did, it gives america a lot of credit. -
Mt. St. Helens eruption.
It started to produce earthquakes at first then burst for the first time in 100 years. Small spews of smoke came out from may 7 - may 17. The wind bew more then 250 million tons of ash everywhere. This historic event was imporant because it lets us know that mt. st. helens is still an active volcano and approximately when it will erupt if it erupts again. -
My birthday.
Born in Honey Brook, i have 7 sibilings mom, jack -step dad and my dad. Photography interests me. -
9/11 terrorist attack on world trade centers and Pentagon.
On september 11 2001, three planes were hijacked. One plane crashed into the north tower of the world trade center and a few hours later, another plane hit the south tower. At first when the plane hit the first tower tons of smoke and debris went everywhere, Then they both fell. Then another plane hit the second tower. The third plane crashed into the pentagon and everyone tried to get out. This event was important because it teaches us about what happened that day and about the heros that day.