Oip (1)

Línea del Islam

  • 570


    Birth of Mahoma
  • Period: 570 to 632


    birth of Mahoma till the death of Mahoma
  • 600


    Ruling classes in East and West Africa convert to Islam
  • 610


    Mahoma receives first vision in a cave near Mecca
  • 622


    Mahoma undertakes the Hegira, the migration from Mecca to Medina, establishing the start of the Islamic calendar
  • 624


    Battle of Badr: Mohamo's forces win, resulting in a turning point for Islam against the ruling Quraysh tribe.
  • 625


    Battle of Uhud: Quraysh tribe defeats the Muslims.
  • 627


    Siege of Bani Qurayzah: Muslims capture the Jewish stronghold. Battle of the Trench: Quraysh troops attempt to siege Medina, but lose to the Muslim force.
  • 628


    Conquest of Khaybar oasis: Jews barricade themselves in a fort at Khaybar oasis and are allowed to remain living there if they pay the Muslims one third of their produce. Treaty of Hudaybiyyah: A peace agreement is signed between Mahoma's Muslims and the people of Mecca.
  • 629


    First Pilgrimage made by Mahoma and his Muslims to Mecca after migrating to Medina.
  • 630


    Muslims capture Mecca. Ka'ba is cleansed, pilgrimage rites are Islamicized, tribes of Arabia vow allegiance to Mahoma Battle of Hunayn: Ending in a decisive victory for the Muslims over the Bedouin tribe of Hawazin
  • 632


    "Farewell Hajj Pilgrimage": This is the only Hajj pilgrimage in which Mahoma participates
  • Period: 632 to 661

    Califato ortodoxo

  • 633


    Abu Bakr becomes the first caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate
  • 633


    Muslim armies take the Fertile Crescent (Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Mesopotamia), North African coast, parts of Persian and Byzantine Empires
  • 637


    Muslim Conquest of Mesopotamia.
  • 637


    Muslim invasion of the Levant. The Byzantines are driven out
  • 644


    Umar ibn al-Khattab succeeds Abu Bakr, becoming the second caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate
  • 650


    Caliph Uthman has the Qur'an written down
  • 656


    Uthman ibn 'Affan succeeds Umar to become the third caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate
  • 656


    Abi Talib succeeds Uthman to become the fourth and final caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate.
  • 657


    Battle of Siffin. Mu'awiya, governor of Syria, claims the caliphate
  • Period: 661 to 750

    Califato Omeya

  • 670


    Hasan ibn Ali, Shia Islam's second imam (his father, Ali ibn Abi Talib, being the first imam), is poisoned to death.
  • 680


    Husayn ibn Ali, Shia Islam's third imam, is beheaded by Yazid I's force at the Battle of Karbala in present-day Iraq Death of Husayn marks beginning of the Shi'at Ali
  • 685


    Reign of Abd al-Malik. Centralization of administration - Arabic becomes official written language (instead of Greek and Persian) and Arab coinage is established.
  • 700


    Groups of ascetics and mystics begin to form
  • 710


    Arab armies enter Spain from North Africa.
  • 732


    Muslim empire reaches its furthes extent. Battle of Tours prevents further advance northwards.
  • 747


    Revolt defeats the Umayyads.
  • 750


    Abu l'Abbas becomes caliph in Iraq Fall of the Umayyad Caliphate Start of the Abbasid Caliphate
  • Period: 750 to 1258

    Califato Abasí

  • 754


    Baghdad becomes the new capital of the Abbasid empire.
  • 755


    Abd ar-Rahman founds an Umayyad Dynasty in Cordoba, Spain
  • 777


    Zaragoza invites Charlemagne into Spain.
  • 783


    The city of Zaragoza falls to forces from the Emirate of Cordoba.
  • 784


    Abd al-Rahman begins construction on the Great Mosque of Cordoba
  • 788


    Death of Abd al-Rahman I of the Emirate of Cordoba.
  • 1031


    Fall of the Umayyad Caliphate of Cordoba.
  • 1313


    Uzbeg rules the Golden Horde and makes Islam the state religion