The book starts with the main character, Pi telling us about his life and explaining how his father is a zoo keeper. The authors point of view changes threw out the chapters. ZIt changes him to a gray hair older man, but then it will stitch back from him telling the story as if he was a little boy. He explasins how his family is moving to Canada because of his fathers zoo buisness. -
The author sits in a cafe and thinking about what Pi told him, the it switches back to Pi narrating. Pi talks about the moving to Canada and how his family has to get on a boat to go and they are bringing all the animals from the Zoo with them to move to the other zoo. e also takes aboput his love affair.Then the narriration switches again to the author meeting Pi's two childern Nikhil and Usha. -
The ship there on sinks, and Pi finds himself in a lifeboat in the middle of complete chaos. A Royal Bengal tiger named Richard Parker is in the water, near drowning and climbs onto the lifeboat with PI. Then the it moves back right befoer the ships sinking with Pi peacfully sleeping and then gets awoke by a loud noise. then it tells the reader about his actions on trying to find his family befopre the ship sunk. -
Pi realizes that he needs to fish and create a shelter from the elements. Thirsty and hungry, he decides to go back to the lifeboat. Pi discovers twelve solar stills and then trys to fish, he finally catches one and kills it and feeds some of it to Richard Parker. Pi reales he has to kill to survive.