Life of Gandhi

By Rishals
  • Birth

    He was born in Porbandar, India. And he also was born on 10-2-1869.
  • Law

    Even though his family did not want Mohandas Gandhi to go to England to study law but he did anyway. Also when he was there he decided to take dancing and violin classes.
  • Mission Complete

    He finally got his license to be able to practice law in court. He also completed his dream to become a lawyer and went back to India.
  • Arrival to Madness

    When he got there he reliezed it had been split into 2 British colonies and 2 Dutch colonies. He also figured that even though India is happy for their free rights they were still the victims of prejustice and racism.
  • Phoenix Settlement

    Gandhi and his friends decided to test their system by trying to live as one of the innocent people. They relize that their system might work.
  • India here I am!

    Gandhi decided to go back to India and do something’s there. He decided to continue to hone and think about his stragities of protest and resistance he got in South Africa.
  • Protest

    Gandhi helped make nation wide protest against the Rowlatt Acts. He wanted to do this for the community to get put back to gether and have rights again.
  • “Quit India”

    Grandhi made what was called the “Quit India” Protest. They used this for demanding British orginazi
  • After World War 2

    After World War 2 there was a labor party that went into power of Britain. The Labor politicians worked with the Indian leaders to decided if they should turn India into an independent state.
  • Death

    On January 30 Grandhi died from being killed by a Hindu nationalist. He died by getting shot in the chest 3 times. He died when he was 78.