LHS Library Timeline

  • New Technology

    New Technology
    New technology available for student use.
  • Michigan eLibrary (MeL)

    Michigan eLibrary (MeL)
    Lakeview High School joins the MeLCat program.
  • Michigan eLibrary

    Michigan eLibrary
    Lakeview High School students are regular users of MeLCat.
  • Online Reference

    Online Reference
    The LHS library starts their subscription to Gale Virtual Reference Library, which allows access to digital references.
  • Student Projects

    Student Projects
    The Information Literacy course projects involve having students create bookmarks.
  • Book Fair at Lakeview High School

    Book Fair at Lakeview High School
    Anyone associated with Lakeview High school were able to shop at Barnes & Noble and a percentage of all purchases went towards the Lakeview High School's library.
  • Declaration for the Right to Libraries

    Declaration for the Right to Libraries
    Mrs. Lincoln and her students organized a two part signing for the Declaration for the Right of Libraries.
  • Declaration for the Right of Libraries Press Release

    Declaration for the Right of Libraries Press Release
    The students also produced a dedicated press release for the event. This link will take you to it.
  • Declaration for the Right of Libraries Day 2

    Declaration for the Right of Libraries Day 2
  • Jay Asher Visits Battle Creek

    Jay Asher Visits Battle Creek
    Author of the best-selling book '13 Reasons Why' Jay Asher speaks in Battle Creek.