Let's Travel Through Photos

  • Period: to

    Introduce Yourself

    Each student introduces himself/herself on Twinspace. They tell about their name, age, location or hobbies, etc.
  • Merry Chirstmas / Best Wishes

    Merry Chirstmas / Best Wishes
    Students from each country send their best wishes for the upcoming year.
  • Teachers' First Online Meeting

    Teachers' First Online Meeting
    Teachers meet online to decide how to proceed.
  • Period: to

    Logo Design

    Each school organizes a logo design contest. The winner logo will be put in the vote for the "project logo election".
  • Period: to

    Show me where you live!

    Exchanging photos of places students like.
  • Voting the logos

    Voting the logos
    Each school puts its chosen logo in the vote.
    The logo which has the most votes will be chosen as the logo of the project.