
Leonardo da Vinci

  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo da Vinci was born

    Leonardo da Vinci was born
    Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15th, 1452 in Anchiano, Tuscany (now Italy), near Vinci. He was born to Ser Piero da Vinci, a notary, and Caterina, a peasant. Ser Piero raised Leonardo on his own after Caterina left to marry another man, with the help of Leonardo's uncle. This is significant because Leonardo became one of the greatest artists during the Renaissance and one of the greatest thinkers of his time. Sources: (Leonardo da Vinci), (Kilpatrick/Louis 337), (Romei 4)
  • May 29, 1453

    Constantinople falls, Byzantine Empire crumbles

    Constantinople falls, Byzantine Empire crumbles
    The Byzantine Empire had been a strong, centralized Christian empire, carrying on the heritage of the fallen Roman Empire since before the Roman Empire even crumbled. In 1453, the Turks sieged for 57 days until they broke through the walls of Constantinople. The city was demolished and renamed Istanbul. This is significant because the Muslim world was finally being exposed to Europe and could have been seen as a threat. Source: (The Sack of Constantinople)
  • Jan 1, 1455

    War of the Roses (beginning)

    War of the Roses (beginning)
    During the mid-1400's, the House of Lancaster and the House of York were fighting for control of the English throne. The fighting began in 1455 and ended around 1487. Both houses were descended from Edward III who ruled from 1327-1377. Edward II was a very prominent English ruler. This is significant because the winner of this war would rule England for an extensive period of time. Source: (War of the Roses)
  • Jan 1, 1462

    Ivan III the Great is Ruler of Russia (beginning of rule)

    Ivan III the Great is Ruler of Russia (beginning of rule)
    Ivan III the Great was a notable Russian ruler, mot known for ending the Mongol tribute in Russia, and making Moscow the center of Russia. In 1480, the Ivan III refused to pay tribute, and two armies faced off, but never fought. This drove out the Mongols for good. Ivan III ruled until October 27th, 1505. This is a significant event because Russia would become a free territory, and they did not have to pay tribute after the Mongols' defeat. Source: (Prominent Russians: Ivan III the Great).
  • Jan 1, 1467

    Leonardo da Vinci's apprenticeship with Verrocchio (beginning)

    Leonardo da Vinci's apprenticeship with Verrocchio (beginning)
    Leonardo was a gifted artist even at an early age, and his father admired this about him. At age 15, Leonardo was sent to be an apprentice of Andrea del Verrocchio. Leonardo helped Verrocchio with many projects, like painting the angel's face in the "Baptism of Christ". This is significant because this is where Leonardo was trained to be a better artist, and he also developed interests in other academic and observational fields. Sources: (Leonardo da Vinci), (Kilpatrick/Louis 337), (Romei 16).
  • Jan 1, 1478

    Spanish Inquisition begins

    Spanish Inquisition begins
    The Spanish Inquisition was created by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in 1478 to punish converted Muslims and Jews who seemed to be insincere with Christianity. This inquisition was much more organized and cruel than the simultaneous medieval Inquisition. It was abolished in 1834. This is significant because it shows that disputes between religions were widespread, and dangerous. It led to the deaths of many insincere Muslims and Jews. Source: (The Spanish Inquisition).
  • Jan 1, 1482

    Service under the Duke of Milan

    Service under the Duke of Milan
    In 1482, after a few years of working on his own, Leonardo was comissioned to work for the Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza. Leonardo presented himself skilled in many fields to the Duke, most importantly military engineering. Added on to being an engineer, he was a painter and an architect for the Duke. This is significant because the Duke of Milan relied on Leonardo for weapons, defenses and tactics. Sources: (Leonardo da Vinci: History Channel website) (Kilpatrick/Louis 338)
  • Apr 1, 1482

    Equestrian Statue for Duke of Milan comissioned

    Equestrian Statue for Duke of Milan comissioned
    After Leonardo started working for the Duke of Milan, he was shortly thereafter comissioned to work on a large equestrian statue for the Duke, to be dedicated to the Duke's father. Leonardo managed to make a clay model, but it was destroyed to make weapons for an incoming raid. This is a significant event because it was the largest project he had to consider making on his own, but it was never completed. Sources: (Leonardo da Vinci: History Channel website), (Leonardo's Horse)
  • Jan 1, 1485

    Flying Machine design

    Flying Machine design
    In 1485, Leonardo da Vinci sketched a plan for a flying machine, an human-powered orthinopter. Da Vinci had always admired the flight of birds, and he wondered if man could do the same. He created a sketch where the pilot would lie face down, and operate the wings with a manual rod-and-pulley system. This is significant because this is one of many of the ideas and sketches he created in his notebook, and this one was a first look at aviation. Source: (Flying Machine: DaVinci website).
  • Jan 1, 1490

    Began to fill notebooks with ideas routinely

    Began to fill notebooks with ideas routinely
    A specific date isn't exact, but in the early half of the 1490's, Leonardo began to fill his notebooks routinely with information on painting, mechanics, architecture and anatomy. Leonardo filled roughly 5,000 pages of ideas and detailed sketches. This is significant because it shows that Leonardo was always thinking, and always had ideas and philosophies running through his mind. Sources: (Metropolitan Museum of Art), (Cane/Nisenson 22).
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus reaches the New World

    Christopher Columbus reaches the New World
    Christopher Columbus reached a small island in the Bahamas on October 12th, 1492. Columbus had left Spain on August 3rd of the same year. On the same voyage, he also sailed to Cuba and Haiti, and he died thinking he had reached the Far East. Columbus went on several more expeditions after this. This is significant because thius was the first time a land mass between Europe and the Far East was discovered, though it may not have been known then. Source: (Minster)
  • Jan 1, 1495

    Painting of "The Last Supper"

    Painting of "The Last Supper"
    "The Last Supper was one of Leonardo's most famous artistic works. He started in 1495 and finished in 1498. It is a 15 x 29 foot fresco painting that depicts the Apostles' reactions after Jesus tells them: "One of you will betray me." This is a very significant event because it is one of his most famous works, and one of the only ones that were finished. It shows that he was very into detail with his work. Sources: (Leonardo da Vinci: History Channel website), (Metroplitan Museum of Art).
  • May 1, 1498

    Vasco da Gama reaches India

    Vasco da Gama reaches India
    In 1498, Vasco da Gama reached India y rounding the Cape of Good Horn and traveling across the Indian Ocean. He left Lisbon, Portugal in July 1497, and arrived in India in May 1498. He also became a viceroy there, and died in Cochin, India in 1524. This is significant because he was the first Portuguese explorer to reach India by rounding the Cape of Good Hope. Source: (Vasco da Gama Reaches India).
  • Jan 1, 1503

    Painting of the "Mona Lisa"

    Painting of the "Mona Lisa"
    The "Mona Lisa" is the world's most cherished and most visited painting. Leonardo worked on the "Mona Lisa" primarily from 1503 until 1506, but was not completely finished until 1507. This painting is the site of centuries worth of speculation about what the sitting figure's expression is. The woman is thought to be Lisa del Giocondo. This is significant because it was Leonardo's greatest work of art. Sources: (Leonardo da Vinci), (Metropolitan Museum of Art), (Kilpatrick/Louis) 338-339).
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Went to Rome as engineer

    Went to Rome as engineer
    In 1513, Leonardo went to Rome for 3 years to work on projects for the Pope as an engineer. His job was to drain the pontine marshes in Rome. He was primarily an engineer in Rome, while painters included Michelangelo and Raphael, given the task of painting chapels for the Pope. This is significant because it was another time in his life where he was more valued as an engineer than an artist. Sources: (Kilpatrick/Louis 339), (Leonardo da Vinci: The Renaissance Man)
  • May 2, 1519

    Leonardo da Vinci died

    Leonardo da Vinci died
    In 1516, Leonardo was invited to France by the French King to France and was given a manor and leisurely time to paint in Cloux, France. He was dubbed by the king: "First Painter, Architect and Mechanic to the King" . Leonardo died in France on May 2nd, 1519. This is a significant event because Leonardo was one of the greatest thinkers, writers and inventors of his time. He exercised a man's capacity of writing, thinking and creating. Sources: (Kilpatrick/Louis 340), (Leonardo da Vinci)