Mona lisa

Pinno's Renaissance timline

  • Jan 1, 1347

    Plague breaks out.

    Plague breaks out.
    One of the later break outs in the plague, striking right before the Renaissance. The sanitation issues of the middle ages had not quite been resolved yet as of then.
  • Jan 1, 1350

    Beggining of the Renaissance.

    Beggining of the Renaissance.
    The beggining of the Renaissance was important as it was the start of the new age. Almost everything on the timeline happens during the Renaissance.
  • Jan 1, 1350

    Madrigal becomes more popular.

    Madrigal becomes more popular.
    Madrigal was a music method that would stack voices (2 to 8, though most of the time it would be six). The picture is of a man who supported the music method and helped it become famous, Pietro Bembo.
  • Period: Nov 7, 1350 to


    The timline in which the renniscanse occured and events soon before it.
  • May 30, 1431

    Joan of Arc burned at the stake.

    Joan of Arc burned at the stake.
    Joan of Arc was a girl who led the charge of the french army which in itself is an achivment for back then. She went on winning battle after battle, claiming that she was led by divine guidance. She was burned at the stake for hearsy after being captured.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Invention of the printing press.

    Invention of the printing press.
    The printing press invention allowed a faster spreading of infromation, which would end up allowing people to be more knowledgable and made book reproduction less irritating.
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Birth of leonardo da vinci.

    Birth of leonardo da vinci.
    Leonardo da vinci's birth was the creation of what would be called "The Renaissance man." Although most of his creations would never be tested, his drawings would be found and he would be recognized for his brilliance, years ahead of his time.
  • Mar 6, 1475

    Birth of Michelangelo.

    Birth of Michelangelo.
    Soon to be a great rival of Leonardo da vinici in painting, he would grow up to help paint the Sistine chapell.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Chripstopher Columbus discovers North America.

    Chripstopher Columbus discovers North America.
    "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue." A common ryme told in schools. Columbus discovered north america, and with it many new vegetables, jobs and even people. The new contenent would become incrdibly important, and he would be forever remebered for finding north america.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Lute becomes largely adopted.

    Lute becomes largely adopted.
    The lute becomes incredibly popular all through-out europe. Most pieces are improvised, but it is still an incredibly dominant instrument.
  • Jan 1, 1512

    The Sistine Chapel roof is completed.

    The Sistine Chapel roof is completed.
    Arguably Michelangalo's greatest work, the Sistine Chapel roof is completed. The building would be gazed upon by generations to come in awe.
  • Jan 1, 1516

    Leonardo da vinci becomes a court painter in France.

    Leonardo da vinci becomes a court painter in France.
    Leonardo da vinci was becoming a well recognized artists and was invited to France for a job as a court painter.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Martin Luthers 95 Thesus.

    Martin Luthers 95 Thesus.
    Martin luther's thesus asked alot of great questions about religion and if the churches were being consistent with the bible or not. By raising the questions is led into the reformation of the church and the cultrual diversity we have today.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Mona lisa is completed.

    Mona lisa is completed.
    Often considered to be one of the greatest paintings of all time, it's value is immeasurable. The piece took 14 years to complete.
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Copernicus produces his book "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres."

    Copernicus produces his book "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres."
    Copernicus' book On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres is the first recorded idea of heliocentric model of the universe, This is the first igniting spark in both the Copernican revolution and the scientific revolution.
  • Jan 1, 1550

    Huge amounts of war break out in Europe.

    Huge amounts of war break out in Europe.
    Huge amounts of battles are erupting all over Europe, and almost everyone is effected. The city states of modern day italy are engulfed in war.
  • Feb 15, 1564

    Galileo's birth.

    Galileo's birth.
    The man who would later be considered one of the most briliant minds of all time, and the father of modern science, is born.
  • Apr 26, 1564

    William Shakespeare is born.

    William Shakespeare is born.
    One of the most brilliant play writers of all time, he would grow up to write some of the most amazing plays ever and get some actors respect.
  • First flush toilet is invented.

    First flush toilet is invented.
    Although it was not widly adopted as of then, the first thing resembling the modern toiltet was inventing, revelutionizing waste disposal. Soon the muck that was the streets of the Renaissance would be clean from the waste of people.
  • The Globe is Built.

    The Globe is Built.
    One of the first theatres in the world, peaseants and rich people alike gathered to watch Shakespeare's fantastic plays.
  • Galileo realeases Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems,

    Galileo realeases Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems,
    Galileo realeased his new book, which contained his views on the Heliocentric model of the universe, in contradiction with religion. This book led to people questioning more about the church and questioning what Science said that was actually true.
  • Galileo is put under permanant house arrest.

    Galileo is put under permanant house arrest.
    Galileo is sentenced to permanant house arrest due to the contrevershal realease of his book; Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. It was claimed that the book implied heresy by defying a literal interpretation of the bible. He spent the rest of his days in house arrest, occasionally uttering the rebelious phrase: "And yet it moves."
  • The end of the Renaissance.

    The end of the Renaissance.
    The closing of the renniscance, when the huge rediscovery of the old ways are finally over and machines are becoming more and more important.