The Start of the Haitian Revolution
The way the revolution started was when the United States revolution encouraged The Haitians to fight for independence. The social classes that participated were enslaved Africans (slaves). The leaders of the revolution were Toussaint L'Ouverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines. -
The End of the Haitian Revolution
Haitian slaves revolted because they were treated as property. Slavery freedom. The Haitians fought against France and the revolution ended once Haiti gained independence and set up a new government. Meaning that the revolution was successful. -
The Start Mexican Revolution
The way that the revolution started was Padre Miguel Hidalgo began the revolution so he gathered some church followers and started a rebellion against Spain. The social classes that participated were Indians and Mestizos. The leaders of the revolution were Miguel Hidalgo, Jose Maria Morelos, And Padre Morelos. -
The Start South American Revolution
The way the revolution started was when Simon Bolivar declared independence in Venezuela, since that time he has battled, lost, and been exiled. The social classes that participated were the Creoles. The leaders of the revolution were Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin. -
The End of the Mexican Revolution
Padre Miguel Hidalgo started a rebellion against Spain. But soon lost and then Padre Morelos took over the revolution and lost after 4 years. Mexico was afraid of losing their property so they supported the revolution sadly. Agustin declared independence so the revolution was successful. -
The End of the South American Revolution
Simon Bolivar declared independence in Venezuela, since that time he has battled, lost, and been exiled. Simon Bolivar won the revolutionary against Spain, in other words he gained freedom and freed the future countries, Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador.