Start of the Haitian Revolution
The revolution began when the white masters were treating the enslaved africans badly. They started terrorizing them and oppressing them to do heavy labor. a leader was there to help africans have their freedom so that's how they revolted. Since they were treated awful, the slaves led the revolution. The leaders were Toussaint L'ouverture and Jean Jacques Dessalines. -
End of the Haitian Revolution
The enslaved africans fought against France. The revolution ended when the leader " Toussaint L'ouverture helped them but not for long because he died. Another leader came " Jean Jacques Dessalines". he took up the fight for slaves freedom which it succeeded. They were the first black colony to free themselves from europeans. -
Start of the Mexican Revolution
The way the revolution started was when Hidalgo decided to run the bells in the village church and decided to gather an army mixed with indians and mestizos. The social class that participated were the indians and the mestizos. The leaders were Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Mocelos. -
Start of the South American Revolution
How the revolution started was that two leaders wanted to join forces to defeat the spanish. The social classes that participated were the creoles. The leaders were Simon Bolivar and Jose De san Martin. -
End of the Mexican Revolution
The indians and mestizos fought against spain. The revolution ended when Padre Morelos proclaimed independence. It was a success the revolution. The creoles feared the loss of their privileges in the spanish controlled countries. They then decided to unite and support mexican's independence because of that. -
The Start/End of the Brazilian Revolution
The revolution started when the napolean army invaded both spain and portugal. The social classes were europeans. The leaders that lead the revolution were Napolean, King John, and Dom Pedro. The brazilians fought against portugese. The revolution ended when the brazilians signed a peptition asking Dom Pedro to rule which then he agreed to it. It was successful because Dom Pedro declared brazil's independence without any blood being spilled amongst people. -
End of the South American Revolution
The creoles fought against spain. The revolution was a success because San Martin and Simon Bolivar joined together and created an army. it was a success beause they won their freedom and they were united into a country.