Latin american independence

Latin American Revolutions

  • Haitian Revolution Begins

    Haitian Revolution Begins
    On August 14, the enslaved African slaves became wanted the abolishment of slavey due to the idea of the Enlightment. The slaves rebelled against the french slave owners wth a whoping 12:1 ratio. Toussaint Louveture was the leader of the slaves.
  • Haitian Revolution Ends

    Haitian Revolution Ends
    After a few years the slave were willing to make a deal with the french but they refused. This caused the revolution to continue a few more years. On January 1, 1804 Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the leader of the slaves after the death of Toussiant L, declaredd Haiti´s independence.
  • Brazilian Revolution Begins

    Brazilian Revolution Begins
    In 1820, the constitutionalists, together with Napoleon, started a revolution, created there own constitution, and forced the return of the Portuguese King.
  • Mexican Revolution Begins

    Mexican Revolution Begins
    Like many other revolutions the belief in natural right began this revolution. On September 16, 1810 the priests, creoles, and some peasants, led by Jose Maria Morelos, began the fight against the spanish.
  • South American Revolution Begins

    South American Revolution Begins
    The lack of respect towards the creoles, racism and other revoultions cause the South american revolution.
  • Mexican Revolution Ends

    Mexican Revolution Ends
    In September 27, 1821 the Treaty of Córdoba First Mexican Empire is established Signing of the Declaration of Independence of the Mexican Empire
  • Brazilian Revolution Ends

    Brazilian Revolution Ends
    On September 7, 1822, Prince Dom Pedro declared Brazil's independence from Portugal, founding the Empire of Brazil, which led to a two-year war of independence.
  • South American Revolution Ends

    South American Revolution Ends
    Bolívar himself led multiple expeditionary forces against the Spaniards, and between 1819 and 1822 he successfully liberated three territories—New Granada (Colombia and Panama), Venezuela, and Quito (Ecuador)—from Spanish rule. While San Martín had liberated Chile and Argentina to the south.