Latin American Revolutions

  • Start Of The Haitian Revolution

    Start Of The Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian revolution started because over 500,000 enslaved Africans did not had no rights nor freedom and didn't want to be treated as property. Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Toussiant L'Ouverture led the revolution. They declared independence from france for freedom.Then ended In January 1 1804
  • End Of The Haitian Revolution

    End Of The Haitian Revolution
    The Haitians fought France For Freedom. The Revolution was successful because they became independent
  • Start Of The Mexican Revolution

    Start Of The Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican revolution started because Hidalgo and the Indians and the Mestizos were marching and alarmed them and they feared for their property. The Indians And Mestizos Participated in the revolution.The leaders were Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos.
  • Start Of The South American Revolution

    Start Of The South American Revolution
    The South American Revolution Started because Bolivars Army Suffered many defeats.The Revolution was successful because after it they had freedom and made a new country. The leaders of the revolution were Simon Bolivar and Jose De San Ended between 1821/1822
  • End Of The Mexican Revolution

    End Of The Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican army fought Spain. The Revolution wasn't a success because they feared the loss of their privileges.
  • End Of The South American Revolution

    End Of The South American Revolution
    The South American Army Fought Spain For Freedom. The Revolution was successful because they had freedom and a new country was made.