Slide 1

Latin American Revolutions

By nlm._
  • The start of the haitian revolution

    The start of the haitian revolution
    The way the revolution started was U.S encouraged the haitians to fight for independence.
    The social classes that participated were enslaved africans.
    The leaders of the revolution were Toussaint Louverture.
  • The End of Haitian Revolution

    The End of Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian fought against France.
    The revolution ended when the slaves beat the france.
    The revolution was a successful because slaves got freedom and independence.
  • The Start of the Mexican Revolution

    The Start of the Mexican Revolution
    The way the revolution started was he gathered people in his church.
    The social classes that participated was indians and Mestizos.
    The leaders were Miguel Hidalgo, Jose Mira Morelos.
  • The Start of the South America Revolution

    The Start of the South America Revolution
    The way the revolution started was simon bolivar declared revolution from spain.
    the social classes that participated were spanish.
    The leaders of the revolution were simon bolivar.
  • The End of Mexican Revolution

    The End of Mexican Revolution
    The Mexicans fought against Spain.
    The revolution ended when they defeated spain.
    The revolution was successful because Miguel defeated the Rebel Padre Morelos.
  • The End of South America Revolution

    The End of South America  Revolution
    The south fought against Spain.
    The revolution ended when the south won their battle.
    The revolution wasn't a success because he needed a bigger/larger force.