Period: to
Latin American Revolutions
Start of The Haitian Revolution
When the French revolution was in progress slaves saw this as an opportunity to revolt as France was already occupied at the time. They gained help from a free black man named L'ouverture then Dessaline after L'ouverture was arrested. Their working conditions weren't great so this also helped in their idea a revolting. -
End of The Haitian Revolution
The revolution was successful but it was bloody at the same time as many deaths between the French and Haiti occurred Louverture did not get see this success. The Haitians gained independence and also abolished slavery at the time. -
Start of The Mexican Revolution
The revolution began with a poor well educated priest named Miguel Hidalgo. He rang the bells of his church gathering peasants who would later fight alongside him. The Mestizos and the Indians led the first revolt, but were suppressed by Creoles. -
Start of The South American Revolution
Creoles were wealthy and well educated, as they would come from France ideas of Revolutions would spark into their mind and ever more with Napoleon conquering other groups helping this idea flourish. They did not want to be oppressed from pure blood Spaniards. -
The End of The Mexican American Revolution
After many years of war and negotiation the revolution was successful as one church leader brought a group of people into something that would be later remembered as how Mexico gained its independence. Doing so gave central America ideas of independence. -
Start of The Brazilian Revolution
The revolution began with Napoleon trying to conquer all of Europe making Portugal royalty panic towards the new world. Once Napoleon has died they travel back leaving Dom Pedro by himself making him establish colonial status in Brazil. -
End of Brazilian Revolution
The Brazilian revolution was the most peaceful as Dom Pedro listened to the people and did what they asked by making Brazil ruled over by him rather than Portugal. Making it the most successful from both sides of the group. -
End of The South American Revolution
The South American revolution was successful as they created a new republic that would grow even more and give others who may be oppressed hope that one day they could gain independence.