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Latin American Revolutions

By Jose.V
  • Start of Haitian Revolution

    Start of Haitian Revolution
    The revolution started as news of the American revolution's success had reached them encouraging them to try to gain their freedom. As they heavily outnumbered them as nearly 500,000 enslaved Africans worked on the plantations. And they were tired of being tortured as white masters used brutal methods to terrorize them. So they rebelled under Toussaint L Ouverture
  • End of Haitian Revolution

    End of Haitian Revolution
    The revolution was a success as they broke free from France. They also became the first black colony to free itself from France. And they gained what they have been fighting for this whole revolution independence.
  • Start of Mexican Revolution

    Start of Mexican Revolution
    Miguel Hidalgo who was very educated firmly believed in Enlightenment ideas called for a rebellion. Thus Indians and Mestizos rebelled alongside him. Till his death then Jose Maria Morelos took the reigns of the rebellion.
  • Start of South America Revolution

    Start of South America Revolution
    Some Creoles adopted Enlightenment ideas in Europe and bring them to the colonies. They felt no loyalty to a king imposed by the French. So they recalled the ideas of consent government and rebelled with help from Jose de San Martin and Simon Bolivar.
  • End of Mexican Revolution

    End of Mexican Revolution
    This revolution was a success as they gained more than freedom from Spain. They also gained allies similar to the South American Revolution.
  • Start of Brazilian Revolution

    Start of Brazilian Revolution
    The revolution started as Brazilians did not want to return to colonial status. So alongside Dom Pedro they started a petition.
  • End of Brazilian Revolution

    End of Brazilian Revolution
    The revolution was a success as they not only gained their Independence from Portugal, but choose their ruler and did so with no bloodshed.
  • End of South American Revolution

    End of South American Revolution
    The revolution was successful as they reached their goal of freedom from Spain and more. As they gained their freedom they also gained unity with other countries and thus allies.