Velvet revolution

Latin American Revolutions

  • Haiti's Revolution Begins

    Haiti's Revolution Begins
    White slave owners mistreated African slaves. The French Revolution inspired the slaves to back against their masters. The leader was Toussaint L'Ouverture. The Encomienda System class that led the revolution is the enslaved Africans.
  • Haiti Revolution Ends

    Haiti Revolution Ends
    It was a success because toussaint had taken control of the island and freed the slaves. John Jaque Desaline took up the fight for freedom. It became the first black colony to free itself from European control. the leaders was They fought against was Spain.
  • South American Revolution Begins

    South American Revolution Begins
    The Revolution began because South Americans were tired of losing numerous revolutions. The leaders were Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin. The Encomienda System class that led the Revolution was the Spanish. Bolivar took over and came to bogota with 2,000 soliders.
  • Mexican Revolution Begins

    Mexican Revolution Begins
    In Mexico, ethnic and racial groups mixed more freely. The leaders was Padre Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos. The Encomienda System classes that led the revolution was Indians and Mestizos.It started because the Mexican natives and mestizos were fighting for a living.
  • End of Mexican Revolution

    End of Mexican Revolution
    It was a success because Agustin de Iturbide, the man who defeated the rebel Padre Morelos, proclaimed independence. They fought against Spain.
  • Brazils Revolution Began and Ended

    Brazils Revolution Began and Ended
    The revolution began because Napleons armies invaded both Spain and Portugal. The leader was Dom Pedro. The Encomienda System that led the revolution was the creoles. It was a success because 8,000 signed a petition for him to rule and he agreed and delcred Brazil's independence. They fought against Portugal.
  • End of South American war

    End of South American war
    They fought against Spain. It was a success because Bolivar took the Spanish army in Bogota completely by suprise and won victory.