Start Of The Haitian Revolution
The american and french revolutions invoked the africans to fight back and thus they started to revolt receiving help from toussaint and jean-jacques.
Class: Africans
Leaders:Toussaint L´Ouverture
Jean-Jacques Dessalines -
End of the Haitian Revolution
They fought against france.
As the revolution succeeded it became known as the first black colony to free itself from european control. -
Start Of The Mexican Revolution
Miguel Hidalgo started the church bell gathering 80,000 men to fight against the spanish.
Class: Indians and Mestizos
Leaders: Padre Miguel Hidalgo
Padre José Mariá Morelos -
The Start Of The South American Revolution
This revolution began with bolivar declaring independence with an army, and after many losses he started to have breakthroughs.
Leaders: Simon Bolivar
José De San Martin -
End of the Mexican Revolution
Padre´s Miguel Hidalgo, and José Maria Morelos fought against Spain.
The Creoles helped the indians and mestizos to get independence and Agustin De Iturbide declared the independence. -
The End Of The South American Revolution
San Martin and Bolivar fought against Spain.
They won the battle of independence after San Martin left his army with Bolivar and they then defeated spanish at ayacucho(Peru).