Latin American Revolution

  • The Start of the Haitian Revolution

    The Start of the Haitian Revolution
    The slaves in Haiti heard about the American Revolution and decided to start one against the French . They were tired of being mistreated by them . They wanted freedom . The leader of the of the revolution was Toussaint L .
  • The End of the Haitian Revolution

    The End of the Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian slaves fought against the French . The revolution ended when the slaves gained their freedom . This revolution was successful because the Haitians got their own government and became independent .
  • The start of the Mexican Revolution

    The start of the Mexican Revolution
    The revolution started when a man named Miguel Hidalgo issued a call for rebellion against the Spanish . The social classes that participated were the Indians and the Mestizos . The leader of the revolution was Miguel Hidalgo .
  • The Start of the South American Revolution

    The Start of the South American Revolution
    Simon Bolivar led an army to free Venezuela . San Martin led an army to free Argentina. The social classes that participated were the Creoles . The leaders of the Revolution were Simon bolivar and
  • The End of the Mexican Revolution

    The End of the Mexican Revolution
    The Indian and Mestizos fought against Spain . The Revolution ended when Mexico became independent . The revolution was successful because Mexico won their independence in 1821 .
  • The End of the South American Revolution

    The End of the South American Revolution
    The Creoles fought against Spain . The revolution ended when Argentina and Venezuela won their independence . The revolution was successful because not only did Argentina and Venezuela become independent but Columbia, Panama, and Ecuador and Chile did also .