Lambda Legal

By bakaaa
  • The Founding of Lambda Legal

    Lambda Legal was founded in 1973. It was the nation’s first legal organization set on achieving equality for lesbian and gay people. Founder Bill Thom filled an application in 1972 to establish Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund. Why is this important?:
    This is important because this is how Lambda Legal was originally started.
  • Winning The Nation’s First HIV/AIDS Discrimination Case

    In 1983, Lambda Legal won the nation’s first HIV/AIDS discrimination case. They helped establish that under disability laws it's illegal to discriminate against people who have HIV. They got insurance companies to cover HIV testing and treatments and pay benefits to people that have been disabled by the disease. Why is this important?:
    This is important because this was a case that was a breakthrough in the organization.
  • Winning a Case Against Harassment

    In the 1990s Lambda Legal won a historic legal precedent that held schools responsible for the harassment and violence against LGBTQ+ students. They also successfully defended the right of gay-straight alliances to exist in schools. Why is this important?
    This is important because with no bullying or harassment. With them being LGBTQ+ more people would be more willing to come out as LGBTQ+. Also, it gives the lambda legal foundation a good reputation.
  • The Big Case

    In 2003, in the historic case Lawrence v. Texas, Lambda Legal persuaded the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn all remaining state sodomy laws. That decision fundamentally changed the legal landscape and was at the time the most important legal victory for LGBT equality. Why is this important?
    With the sodomy laws repealed
  • Same Sex Marriage

    In 2015, Lambda Legal co-counseled in one of the cases known as Obergefell v. Hodges. In which the U.S. Supreme Court declared that denying same-sex couples the freedom to marry violates the U.S. Constitution.