The Decleration of Independence
The Declration of Independence was writen to define the role of government. It gives rule that we have to follow. So it is a very important document to the U.S. -
United States Constitution
The constition seperates the three branches of gorvernment. This is very essential to the U.S. It seperates the legislative branch from the judicail and executive branch and each of their individual jobs. -
Erie Canal
The Erie Canal was one of the first ways of shipping goods on a water way transpertation route. The Erie Canal farm goods to the east, and other products to the west. This is very important to American History because it was an early way for transpertation. It helped lead up to the thought of steam engines, and other , efficent ways for transferring goods. -
Indian Removale Act
On this date, Indians were forced out of their homes and told to move west. Andrew Jackson made the decision for them to move out. Along the way it was rough and crusial, thousands died and didnt make it. Even though this was a horrible act on America's part, it was very important. It gave American's more room and expanded America. -
Gettysburg Address
The Gettysburg Adress was one of the most important speeches made in American history. Abe Lincoln wrote and told this speech about American equality between blacks and whites. It is very important to history because it efftects how all Americans are today. Without it African Americans wouldnt have the same rights as we all do today. -
Comprimise of !877
The Comprimise of 1877 was what caused Reconstruction to end. So Recontruction only lasted about 12 years. It is important to American history because without it occurring Reconstruction could have lasted longer. -
"i have a dream"
On this date Martin Luther King jr. made an important speech that all black people would be treated equealy. That speech made a huge, dramatic difference in that time period and ever since. Ever since that speech, black people were alod to have the same rights as everyone else. The black people were all set free, which is such a relief and huge recoverment in America today. -
Apollo 11
Apollo 11 was the first spaceship to get into outer space, and able for someone to land on the moon. It was a signifigant event for American history, we were the first to go on the moon! It was an amzaing accomplishment and in that case is very important to the U.S history. -
My Birthday
On this date, April 14 2001, 13 years ago i was born. I was born in a local hospital in ephrata. I have an almost averaged-seized family, 3 brothers and 1 sister, all together there is 5 of us. My oldest brother is a U.S Marine, i couldnt be more pround of him. My sister is 18 and saldy has already moved out. I live with my younger brother, year older brother, and my two parents. I'm in 8th grade, but dont have many interests on my mind yet besides cosmotolgy and art. -
On this date, an extreme terrist attack crashed into our world trait centers. It was a very tramatic and awful experience for many. Even through all of the sorrow and pain, this is very important to Americn history. Even though it phycically crashed and knocked down to important monuments, it built everyone effected buy it, stronger.