Hubble Telescope Launched Into Space
The Hubble Space Telescope's launch in 1990 sped humanity to one of its greatest advances in that journey. The Hubble telescope is a telescope that orbits the earth. It gives a great view of the earth, way better than land telescopes. It is one of NASA's most successful projects.
The Hubble telescope was very important to NASA. This was the first time they could see the world from a different view. It allowed them to see deeper into space and see the world. The telescope gave them a lot of new -
Hubble Telescope Launched Into Space Cont.
(rest of this sentence on last slide) discoveries and information, and also gave them hope.
This Telescope led to many more productions later on. There are five different space telescopes orbiting the Earth in present day time. NASA is soon to add more to their collection of telescopes. One upcoming space telescope will be made in the future, and is called the Webb telescope, also made by NASA.
I would have wanted to be at the launch for a few reasons. -
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It would have been cool to see the telescope in person. It also would have been amazing to see the launch. The event was cool itself. -
Nelson Mandela Freed
The South African Activist, Nelson Mandela was a global advocate for human rights. Mandela also brought an end to the apartheid, which was a system of racial segregation. A member of the African National Congress party beginning in the 1940's, he was a leader of both peaceful protests and armed resistance against the white minority’s oppressive regime in a racially divided South Africa. -
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He also wanted to contribute to peace and social justice.
The freedom of Mandela was a huge factor for the whole world. I would have liked to be able to witness his freedom. Also his efforts to abolish the apartheid. Mandela died at the age of 95. -
Nelson Mandela Freed Cont.
His actions landed him in prison for nearly three decades and made him the face of the anti-apartheid movement both within his country and internationally.
Mandela being freed from prison was an important event. Mandela was one of the greatest African American Human Rights Activists. He stopped many racial acts. He also became the first black president of South Africa.
Nelson shaped the future of racism. Racism is still alive today, but Mandela changed racism and discrimination for millions.