Joseph Stalin Birth Date
On the date of December 21,1879 the man who would soon rule Russia with great violence and terror was born. His full name was Jospeh Vissarionovich Djugashvili, but he was called Joseph Stalin for short. This event is significant because Stalin will later go on to rule Russia through terror and violence. He will also play a big role in World War 2 (Archer 11). -
Child Life for Stalin
As a kid and teenager Stalin was treated poorly. His father was abusive and died when Joseph was 30. His mom made him go through church school and she died when he was 58. Stalin didnt recieve a good childhood like most others. This is important because it plays a huge role in how Stalin became who he is. It effected his life in a very negative way and maybe was the cause of his violence ( Blassingame 10). -
Stalin's School Years
This is an important time in Stalin's life because he starts to study priesthood for the Georgian Orthodox Church. He did this at a university in Tiflis(present day Tblis) where he received a full scholarship. In 1899 he was expelled from the university for teaching his piers about communism. This is significant because Stalin started to become and adult and get more involved in communism which will be a big thing in his life (Blassingame 17). -
First Subway Line in Paris, France
On this date the first subway line is opened in Paris, France (Michael 330). The train ran from the La Défense business district in the west to the Bois de Vincennes in the east. It carried about 725,000 people a day. This event is significant because it will be the start of train systems, which later becomes very important in transportation (The Local FR). -
Bloody Sunday or Red Sunday
On this date a event which became known as Bloody Sunday or Red Sunday occurred. The event was when men marched in the streets and demanded reform. While protesting the workers and men were open fired on killing hundreds. This became known as Bloody Sunday. While Stalin's appearance was minimal in the protests he still wrote articles and said speeches. This event is important because Stalin started to get into politics and went up against his rival Leon Trotsky (Blassingame 32). -
Beginning of World War 1
On this date the first World War begins. Their were many causes to the war including alliances, nationalism, and militarism. During the war Stalin was in exile, but he would soon be the leader of the Soviet Union in 1924. This event is important because millions of people were killed, countries were taken over, and empires were destroyed (History). -
Great Mississippi Flood
On this date The Great Mississippi Flood occurs, which was the most destructive river flood in the United States history. With water rising to almost 30 feet the government tried to prevent floods by building the worlds longest system of levees and flood ways. The flood ended up killing 246 people in the end and did lots of damage to houses, cars, buildings, and stores (Michael 330). -
Flight across Atlantic
On this day a 25 year old man became famous. His name was Charles Lindbergh. Lindbergh accomplished something that had never been done before. He flew solo across the Atlantic Ocean on a one way flight. This flight which went from New York to Paris took the young pilot 33 and a half hours. This is important because it was the first time there was a one way flight across the Atlantic (Michael 367). -
Joseph Stalin comes up with Five Year Plan
During the year of 1928 Joseph Stalin comes up with the Five Year Plan. This plan was to try to make the USSR or Russia have an economy based on industry. This is an important event in history because it will change Russia's economy to industrialization. Also having an economy based on industrialization would help bring more money into the country and help them produce helpful things (Untermeyer 10). -
Death of Croatian Peasant Party Leader
This day is important because it is the death of a Croatian politicion. His name was Stjepan Radic. He died due to the violence between the Serbs and Croats. His death occured in Yugolslovia in a National Assembly were fighting between the two groups had led to his assasionation. This is significant because he was the first man to introduce Western Notions of democracy to Croatia (Michael 368). -
Stalin's Secret Police
This is an important time because it is when Stalin sets up his own force or secret police to terrorize Russia. The force became known as the NKVD which means Narodny komissariat vnutrennikh del. That means People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs or secret police. This is a very significant event or time because they help Stalin control and terrorize Russia through violence (Crime Museum). -
Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
On this date Walt Disney will be come the first person to release an animated movie worldwide. The movie that he releases is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Michael 384). This event is significant becausenit is considered to be Walt Disney's greatest accomplishment because it was the first animated film released worldwide (Fandom). -
German-Russian nonaggression pact
This date is important because it is a peace treaty between Stalin's Russia and Hitlers Germany. The picture shows Stalin and Ribbentrop shaking hands after signing the pact. Ribbentrop was a man who worked for Hitler as his minister for foreign affairs. This date is significant because later that year the Germans would go to attack Russia even though they had the pact. This leads to the start of World War 2 ( Blassingame 126). -
World War 2 starts in 1939
On this day the second World War begins. This war plays a big role in history and in Stalin's life. The war started after the German-Russian non-aggression pact was signed. The war started because the Germans attacked the Russians even though they had the peace treaty. This war also led to the Great Depression. The event is very important to Stalin because he was in rule at the time and had to make many decision during the war (Blassingame 132) -
Death of Isoroku Yamamoto
On this date a man named Isoroku Yamamoto died. Yamamoto was a Japanese Marshall. He is responsible for the Attack on Pearl Harbor, which killed 2,335 US military personal (Michael 303). He was killed while on his aircraft. While on it he was shot down by US soldiers on a mission called operation Vengeance. This event is important because it was a huge blow for the Japanese military during World War 2 ( Warfare History Network). -
Joseph Stalin Death Date
Joseph Stalin died on March 5, 1953 in present day Moscow. The cause of death was cerebral hemorrhage, which is a kind of stroke. (Archer 174). This event is important because Russia's leader dies and his minister of internal affairs, Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria, was subsequently shot for treason (Digital History).